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From the Prime Minister’s threat of resignation to the termination of his team, an account of a crucial day of negotiations in Matignon

It was just before 8pm on Thursday 19 September when Michel Barnier’s sedan entered the courtyard of the Elysée Palace. Finally, after fifteen days of intense backroom negotiations punctuated by bloodshed, slamming doors and threats of resignation, the Prime Minister, with pursed lips, hands Emmanuel Macron the list of ministers for his future government.

Watch the live broadcast | Barnier government: the executive will be presented “before Sunday”, Laurent Wauquiez will not be part of it

The 73-year-old former European Commissioner, who is described as self-assured, believes that he has put together a team that will meet the deadline he had set for himself. “parity”, reflecting the great balances of a diverse Assembly. Rue de Varenne, we are satisfied with the appointment of people “competent”. Thirty-eight ministers are planned, including sixteen full-time ministers, according to information revealed by the leaders of the group and the parties represented in the future coalition.

In key positions are seven representatives of the Ensemble pour la République (EPR), the Macronist camp, three members of the Republicans (LR), two MoDem, François Bayrou’s party, and one from Horizontes, Edouard Philippe’s party. A team” ready to act “, proclaims Matignon, charging the President of the Republic “assume the responsibility » support the submitted list.

Neither “blockade” nor “oukase”

As of Thursday evening, no official announcement had been made. But the Elysée suggests that the President of the Republic, who promises not to interfere any more in the smallest details of the exercise of power, validate the copy placed on his desk. There will be none. “blockade” neither “oukase”we secured rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré.

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Barring any drama, the announcement of the next government is therefore only a matter of hours.. “It will be submitted before Sunday, respecting the usual ethical controls”said Matignon, after the exchange described as “constructive” between the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic.

But on Thursday evening, the suspense was no longer necessary. Not afraid of breaking Republican protocol, the teams of Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Republican Right in the National Assembly, and Gabriel Attal, head of the EPR deputies, leaked the names of the ministers from their side called to sit in the government.

These first elements show that the very methodical Michel Barnier resorted to the pool of each political family to stop his casting without seeking, as he promised, “the show” or the spectacular. If the Prime Minister claims “rupture”, The profile of his team is devilishly similar to the previous one, spiced up with additional heavyweights from the Les Républicains (LR) party. As a confirmation of the right-wing nature of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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