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The 300 minors who arrived in August increased the overcrowding in their centres by 400%

Ceuta, collapsed and suffocated for illegal immigration, received 292 unaccompanied immigrant minors (menas) only this August. With the 17 new arrivals reported this Tuesday, the city is now home to 507 minerals despite the fact that it has a maximum capacity of 132 people. That is an overcrowding of 384% (the local Executive increased it to 480% due to a calculation error). Added to this is the collapse of CETIwhich welcomes 250 immigrants above its limit.

The local government maintains several deployed emergency accommodation to try to answer that crisis migratory: You have activated a craft equipped at the Polygon The Tarajalhas the Tempora Rehousing Centerl (La Esperanza) and another temporary center in Pine treesin addition to the resources managed by the NGO Engloba.

Ceuta started the year in tutoring 14o minorsbut it already exceeds half a thousand. In a city of just over 83,000 inhabitants, the ratio is six menas per 1,000 inhabitants“If this same ratio were applied to the whole of Spain, there would be almost 300,000 unaccompanied migrant minors, but there are 16,000,” he explained on Wednesday. Ceuta President Juan Vivas (PP), which has been calling for months for the authorities to ask for “aid and relief”.

We have exhausted the budget for the whole year for minors. The migration emergency has become absolutely untenable,” he warned. Despite everything, Vivas revealed that He hasn’t spoken with Pedro Sánchez since 2022when the President of the Government went to Ceuta on the occasion of the reopening of its borders with Morocco. Your contact with the Executive is at Ministries of the Interior, Defense, Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of State for Youth and Children, said in statements to Antenna 3.

Furthermore, according to data provided by the local government, so far this year Only 39 men left Ceuta towards the peninsula, 20 of them are the result of the emergency plan signed at the Tenerife Child Sector Conference and 19 of the response plan approved in 2023 between the Government of Andalusia and the autonomous city.

As if that were not enough, the CETI of Ceutawhich welcomes adult immigrants, currently houses 770 people although they have a capacity of 512 people. About fifty others camp on the outskirts waiting their turn. “If 10 people leave (to the peninsula), 80 arrive. It seems that they distribute sweets at the door,” sources close to the center reported to OKDIARIO this Tuesday. Each time there is a transfer to decongest the facilities, they warn, the effect call: “The only thing they realize is that they want to come more.”

At least 5 deaths in one month

From the migratory avalanche since last Sunday, with up to 1,500 login attempts illegal immigrants registered in just 24 hours – according to data from the Government Delegation – the flow of immigrants swimming towards the beaches of Ceuta has been constant.

Civil Guard agents found this Wednesday the corpse of a man on the coasts of the Sarchal region. This is the fifth bodyor lifeless located in the waters of the autonomous city this August. The body, which was in an advanced state of decomposition, was found around 8:00 p.m. and sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Ceuta (IML).

According to the latest update published by the Ministry of the Interior, since January 1, they have illegally accessed Ceuta. 1,622 immigrantsbetween minors and adults. In 2023, the number of irregular entries was 1,135.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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