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HomeLatest Newsthe change that comes with the new "app"

the change that comes with the new “app”

THE Social security launched a new application which represents a fundamental change in the way citizens will now be able to interact with this service. Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saizwas responsible for presenting this digital tool, which not only streamlines the usual procedures, but also introduces important new features. One of them is that, for the first time, the internship students unpaid will have a exclusive section in the appwhich demonstrates a clear orientation towards the inclusion of this group in the contribution system. The application also allows to consult key information that could already be consulted on the Social Security portal, such as professional life, monthly contributions, although now we can also Complete the procedures directly from your mobile.

The ‘Import@ss’ portal, launched in 2021has enjoyed notable success with millions of visits since its inception, which served as the basis for extending its functionality to the new app. The application does not seek to replace existing platforms, but rather to complement digital services already available. Through it, citizens will be able to access their personal data, download relevant documents such as the work experience report or contribution bases, and manage information on their contracts or collective agreements. Although it does not yet allow all the procedures available in the electronic office to be carried out, it is expected that these options will soon be fully integrated. It is an application that bears the same name as the portal and that can now be download us for android and iosand we will give you all the details below.

Here is the new Social Security application

The new Social Security application stands out for its ease of use with access to all our information as workers, whether for example professional life or contribution bases, but it stands out above all for the differentiation of profiles to adapt to the different professional realities of users. . Thus, For example, the self-employed will be able to access all the procedures related to their professional activity.such as managing registrations and cancellations, changing your contribution base or viewing receipts. They have also integrated quota simulatorswhich allows self-employed workers to anticipate the impact of their income on social security contributions, which can help them make more informed decisions about their activity.

Also in the In the case of domestic employment, employers and employees have an exclusive space where they can manage the employment relationship in a clear and direct manner. Employers will be able to register or remove their workers, update their salary and working hours or consult the receipts issued. For their part, domestic employees will be able to access their contributions, thus ensuring that their situation is correctly recorded in the system. This segmentation of information helps both parties to better control their rights and obligations.

It is also worth noting the section for artistsa group with special working conditions, the application offers the possibility to manage your activity or inactivity situation, to request the restitution of income from listed bases or to unsubscribe from the artist census. This attention paid to the specific features of different employment sectors reflects an effort by Social Security to adapt to the diversity of the current job market and offer solutions adapted to each group.

Inclusion of interns in the new Social Security application

One of the most important changes brought by this new application is the inclusion of scholarship holders in the contribution system. Since the regulations that establish the contribution for this group were approved, more than 700,000 students have started paying into Social Security, a significant step forward in the social protection of young people in training. The the application collects all relevant information for this group, allowing students to access their profile, resolve their doubts with a complete guide and carry out procedures such as requesting a social security number or downloading the professional life report.

This advance not only guarantees students the possibility of continuing to accumulate rights for the future, but also facilitates their entry into the formal world of work. By having quick and direct access to all the information on your quoteYoung people can become familiar with the digital tools they will need throughout their professional lives at an early age. In addition, the application offers an educational approach, clearly explaining the benefits of the contribution and the rights that result from it.

Accessibility and security improvements

Another of the great novelties introduced by the application is the possibility of configuring the access by biometric identification, provided the user is registered your data in advance with Cl@ve Permanente. This feature, as well as the Push notifications greatly simplify the user experienceThe use of fingerprint or facial recognition guarantees fast and secure access, adapting to new technological trends and ensuring that only the owner can access their personal information.

Despite all the innovations introduced by this digital tool, The aim of the Ministry of Social Security is not to completely replace traditional meansbut rather by adding options so that citizens can choose the one that best suits their needs. The application therefore represents progress in the modernization of the system, without leaving aside those who prefer to continue carrying out their procedures through other, more conventional channels. This balance between innovation and accessibility is essential to ensure that no one is excluded from the digitalization process.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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