Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:36 am
HomeBreaking NewsThis is against the heritage law.

This is against the heritage law.

He Oliva Town Hallin Fuerteventura, transmitted a message expressing his concern and publicly denounced to former Equality Minister and current MEP Irene Montero after she shared a photo of painted stones and shellsThe Consistory announced that the action of the former minister is against of the current cultural heritage regulations that protect the natural elements of the island.

The City Hall indicated that the stones painted by the children of Montero They could come from the beaches of Fuerteventura. “We do not know its origin, but we would like to point out that The Natural Heritage Act protects these resources, whether they are stolen in the Archipelago or in the peninsula, since the alteration of the natural environment causes an imbalance in the ecosystem and the beauty of the place,” said the Councilor for Tourism and Environment, David Fajardo.

Moreover, on these beaches the signs abound that ask visitors to take care of the landscape. The mayor of La Oliva, Isaí Blanco, added that these types of actions “They are going against the collective effort to preserve the islandan effort that was possible thanks to collective commitment.” During his statement, Fajardo wanted to remind all visitors that he is forbidden take any natural element from the beaches.

Likewise, in the published note, the local government denounced the fact that publications such as that of the European deputy are those who “promote behavior contrary to environmental protection lawsgiving rise to a domino effect.”

In view of these events, the city council asked to Irene Montero let me clarify the origin of these natural elements and that ratify publicly if they were stolen from local beaches.

Finally, the Consistory wanted to recall the commitment for the conservation of the environment, as well as for the promotion of responsible tourism: “The City Council of La Oliva recalls that our beaches and our landscapes They are not only a natural resource, but a heritage that we must protect and respect.“We will not hesitate to take the necessary measures to avoid any act that endangers our natural heritage.”




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