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HomeTop StoriesExtremadura's exports reach 304.8 million in July

Extremadura’s exports reach 304.8 million in July

Exports recorded in July in Extremadura reached 304.8 million eurosor 17.2 percent more than the same month last year.

Among these exports, 69.5 percent are concentrated in two sectorssuch as the “Food” sector, whose sales amounted to 160.7 million euros, or 12.2 percent more than a year ago, and “Non-chemical semi-finished products”, which amounted to 51.2 million, or 24.2 percent more than hundreds of less.

Among other sectors highlights the increase in the “automotive sector” reaching 9.6 million euros, which multiplies its value by 16, going from 0.2 percent of the total exported to 3.2 percent.

At the other extreme, it also highlights the reduction of exports of ‘Chemical products’which fell by 1.9 percent to 26.7 million euros.

For his part, The value of Extremadura’s imports this month was 221.1 million euros7.6 percent more than in the same month of the previous year, and of which 39.4 percent, representing 87.2 million euros, corresponds to the “Capital goods” sector, which increased by 21.9 percent compared to 2023.

The sectors that increased their imports the most were “Chemicals”, 51.6 percent more, and “Food”, 39.9 percent more, while the sector that decreased its imports the most in July was the “Automotive sector”, with 78.5 percent less.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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