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HomeLatest NewsThe Bidafarma Foundation rewards the professional career of Dr. Diego Murillo

The Bidafarma Foundation rewards the professional career of Dr. Diego Murillo

He Honorary President of the AMA and President of the AMA Foundation, Dr. Diego Murillo, received the first recognition for his professional career in the Bidafarma Foundation Awards for Social Innovation Projects 2024, which distinguish the work of entities in the social field.

He Dr. Diego Murillowho was accompanied to the event by the president of the AMA, Ana Pastor, expressed his gratitude to the Bidafarma Foundation for this award which, as he explained, represents “a recognition of an intense and enriching life dedicated to Health.”

He then shared with all present his experience at the head of AMA, from its difficult beginnings in 1987, with only 9 employees and a rented apartment “but with a lot of hope”, to the current moment when the mutual is “one of the most important insurance companies in this country with more than a million insured.”

Among the AMA’s main achievements, he cited the creation, 30 years ago, of Professional Liability insurance, “which we offered before any other entity”, the establishment of the AMA Foundation in 2010 and of Ama America in 2015.

“And everything was possible thanks to our work, but above all because you (the mutualists) trusted our project,” he said.

Murillo also had words for the host of the event, the Bidafarma Foundation, which highlighted its commitment “undertake initiatives that promote the development of a model of society with a strong social impact.”

For her part, the Minister of Family, Youth and Social Services of the Community of Madrid, Ana Dávila, recognized the work of the winning entities. “Society has a brighter future thanks to your good deeds,” she concluded.

The awards were presented at a gala held yesterday at the ONCE Foundation Space in the presence of the Minister of Family, Youth and Social Services of the Community of Madrid, Ana Dávila; the president of Bidafarma Antonio Mingorance; the president of the Bidafarma Foundation, Leandro Martínez; the deputy and secretary of the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies, Rafael Belmonte, and the president of the General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacy, Jesús Aguilar.

Also present were the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez; the director of the ONCE Foundation, José Luis Donoso; and the general director of evaluation, quality and innovation of the Community of Madrid, Óscar López.

The president of the AMA Foundation shared this recognition with entities of great importance and social trajectory such as the Spanish Association of GRINpatias, Cáritas Málaga, the Fundación Blas Méndez Ponce and Manos Unidas. The athlete and former football coach Juan Carlos Unzué was awarded for making the fight against ALS visible.

Singer and composer Katia Márquez, from the Musicians for Health Foundation, delighted those present with her music.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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