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HomeTop StoriesQueen Margaret of Denmark hospitalized after fall at 84

Queen Margaret of Denmark hospitalized after fall at 84

As reported by the Danish Royal Househis queen Margaret of Denmark She has been hospitalized since Wednesday. The reason: a spectacular fall that occurred in the Fredensborg Palace.

The Danish Royal House reported in a brief statement about the event: “Queen Margaret was transferred last night to Kingdom Hospital after falling at Fredensborg Palace. The Queen is doing well, given the circumstances, but she is under observation,” they explained through the Ritzau agency.

Hours earlier, he had attended a conference on multiple sclerosis in Copenhagen, as part of his continued role as monarch after abdicating to his son earlier this year. Since Frederick X succeeded his mother, Queen Margaret has continued to appear at official events while deciding to retain her title as queen.

His abdication at the beginning of the year

This mishap comes after Margarita took advantage of her New Year’s Eve speech to announce that she would leave the throne after 52 years as head of the crown. The news surprised her subjects and received a positive response from her son Federico X.

Coincidence or not, this fall continues the arguments that the queen launched when communicating her decision to the kingdom, among which are her age, the problems derived from a complicated back operation and the need to make way for the new generation. This is how he justified his retirement at over 80 years of age, although he has repeatedly said that his job would be “for life.”




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