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The ‘Government’ criticises the map of regional aid to industry to “punish” Catalonia

The new Government of the CPS puts the focus on industry to recover the economic leadership of Catalonia. In his first intervention in Parliamentthe Minister of Enterprise and Labor, Miquel Samperclaimed the “export potential and high value-added jobs” generated by the community’s productive ecosystem.

At the same time, Samper acknowledged that there is much to be done if we want reindustrialize the region. At this point, the advise criticized the distribution of aid to the sector defined by the government and approved by the European Commission. According to his words, “Catalonia is being punished by the regional aid map.” He advise requested a change in the resource allocation criteria so that not only the income level of the territories is taken into account.

“If the Draghi plan continues without modifying the aid plan, we will not achieve the competitiveness objectives of Catalan industry,” he assured.

Samper did not discuss the taxation that supports the Catalan productive fabric. The Minister of Economy, Alicia Romero, already declared a few days ago that the Government He does not plan to revise the tax burden downwards. However, the advisor insisted on the need to “simplify administrative procedures” using digitalization. He also suggested “starting to talk positive administrative silence“.

On the other hand, the leader made the first major announcement of his portfolio: the creation of a fund to finance startups, fallout and SMEs in the semiconductor industrySamper did not give precise figures, although he assured that this instrument would be “ambitious”.

Engine investments

Regarding the automobileone of the economic pillars of the region, Sàmper acknowledged that the strength of Chinese electric cars is weakening the automotive sector in Europe and, consequently, in Catalonia. “Seat and Cupra are not enough to maintain leading positions,” he warned. That is why he proposed taking advantage of the landing of Chery Ebro in the former Nissan facilities in Barcelona for “Localize your Chinese suppliers and promote new investments from automotive suppliers“.

He also announced that next year the new National Pact for Industry –the current one expires in 2025– and urged to reactivate the Hydrogen Valley of Tarragona so that it is considered a “business project rather than an administrative one”.

Likewise, Samper defended the reindustrialization tables which are activated when a company decides to cease its industrial activity. Currently, two of these forums are still open: that of the Ercros de Flix factory (Tarragona) and that of the Danone factory in Parets del Vallès (Barcelona).

All these initiatives will be led by the same Director General of Industry from the ERC stage, Oriol Alcoba.

New Tourism Law

Regarding the tourist activity, Sàmper announced a revision of the tourist tax and proposed the development of a new sectoral law that ensures the “ecological and digital transition as well as generational change”. The current tourism law has been amended several times and was approved more than 20 years ago.

He also pledged to carry out the Chamber of Commerce Actwhose treatment has failed on several occasions. Catalonia is the only autonomy without its own regulation on these business revitalization entities.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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