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TSJCyL President Warns of “Destruction” of Rule of Law and Denounces Attacks on Judges

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The President of the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León (TSJCyL), José Luis Concepción, warned on Friday against the “destruction” of the rule of law and denounced the attacks on judges, assuring that “the public authorities are encouraged to defame with the obvious aim of delegitimization.”

Concepción made these statements during the opening ceremony of the judicial year, held in Burgos, who will be the last to remain in office after 19 years at the helmafter the recent renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) which will lead to the renewal of the higher courts and other bodies.

The TSJCyL president warned against “relativism and passivity” with that a large part of society considers “the destruction of the rule of law” and the “polarization” to which Spanish society has been led, placing it in a situation equal to “the saddest moments of its history.”

“Judges are encouraged by the public authorities to commit defamation and to take criminal actions that cannot succeed with a clear objective of delegitimization,” he denounced. in a thinly veiled criticism of Pedro Sánchez’s complaint against Judge Juan Carlos Peinado.

Furthermore, he assured that there are media that become “the mouthpieces of this unjust wickedness” and even institutions “that have fallen into the most absolute discredit.” “Today, the term lawfare is on the lips of too many people and this damages the image of Justice,” he said.

Concepción assured that judges and magistrates “act in accordance with the rule of law, with an intimate relationship with the principle of independence.” and that the new CGPJ “will have to multiply to protect those whose independence is unjustly disrupted and to ensure that these attacks do not tarnish the image of Justice.”

Renewal of the CGPJ

The president of the TSJCyL praised the new president of the CGPJ, Isabel Perelló, and recalled that “she courageously declared that the Council had before it the challenge of defending judicial independenceadding that no power of the State can give instructions to judges and magistrates.”

“The independence of judges seems essential to the functioning of the legal mechanism.” in an appropriate manner and so that citizens feel free and equal to their peers,” he added.

Concepcion assured that “Attempts at interference are delicate that we have perceived recently, but the reactions that have emerged within the judicial career and within our highest government body are encouraging.

“I sincerely believe that, more than ever, the judiciary “It will continue to be the citizen’s last defensive bastion.”he stressed, calling Perelló’s appointment an “extraordinary decision” due to his willingness to “defend the independence of the judiciary” and his rejection of “any type of interference.”

The president of the TSJCyL acknowledged that the temptation to interfere “is inherent in the high echelons of power” but that The important thing is that there are men and women ready to resist seduction.“It is time to make up for lost time,” he concluded.


Concepción presided this Friday his last act at the beginning of a judicial year after 19 years in officesince 2005, in view of the imminent renewal of the management of the TSJCyL after the renewal of the CGPJ and wanted to slip in a few words of gratitude.

“The commission I received then to represent the 340 judges and magistrates of Castilla y León was the greatest honor I have ever had, I hope I have lived up to my promise and I ask for the indulgence of my colleagues. for the times when I made mistakes in my decisions,” he said, visibly moved.




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