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HomeBreaking NewsErdoğan Karakuş: “They are holding Armenia’s hand and preparing for war”

Erdoğan Karakuş: “They are holding Armenia’s hand and preparing for war”

The US State Department commented on the request to increase military and other aid to Armenia. Thus, official Washington said that it respects Yerevan’s sovereign right to continue relations of its choice. As for the impact of the aid on the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the response noted that such a measure serves to support the development of this country, strengthen integration in various fields and increase resistance to negative factors.

Oku.AzRetired Turkish Air Force Colonel General expressed his opinion on the matter. Erdoğan Karakuş He said the West is preparing Yerevan for a new war.

“To clarify the reasons, goals and objectives of the latest US measures in relation to Armenia, we need to consider the process in a broader framework. Currently, Azerbaijan and Turkey are under pressure from three sides. On the one hand, Greece, together with the United States, the Republic of Cyprus and others, is carrying out a broader and deeper attack on Turkey and building cooperation; on the other hand, there is direct pressure on Ankara, and the last one, Armenia, is very quickly arming itself against Azerbaijan and at the same time creating an opportunity for it to violate sanctions.

I want to make it very clear that the West is rapidly arming Armenia and preparing it for war with Azerbaijan. They are trying to push Russia out of the region by creating another hotbed of war in the South Caucasus. Official Moscow is currently in a difficult situation. They are now working on a plan to withdraw Russia from Syria, Armenia and Georgia. On the other hand, there is also the goal of blocking the normalization process between Turkey and Syria. And Russia does not want to lose its power in Syria, because if it is removed from there, it will not be able to access the Mediterranean again. The United States does not fulfill its obligations towards Turkey in the matter of the “F-35” and “F-16”. This is to weaken Turkey and weaken Azerbaijan’s self-defense capability.

Karakush said the measures regarding Armenia are part of the fight to take control of the corridors at the international level.

“Of course, we should also evaluate the ongoing processes from the perspective of the increasingly intense geopolitical struggle for corridors at the international level. The United States is competing with China and Russia, which is why it does not want to allow them to use the Zangezur corridor. In addition, with the opening of the corridor, Iran will open its own trade route through Turkmenistan, which it fears will lose its importance and internal problems.

France is also involved in the process. Azerbaijan provided the necessary answers to representatives of the West, especially the United States, during the visit to Baku of the outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Despite all the pressure, Georgia also wants to pursue a balanced policy. That is why they arm Armenia in various ways, demand that others comply with sanctions against Russia, but turn a blind eye to Armenia. Holding the famous five-party meeting with Nikol Pashinyan in April this year in Brussels, increasing USAID support to Yerevan, etc. None of the measures taken is without reason. The response of the US State Department to the investigation once again confirms what we have listed.

The Colonel General stressed that Azerbaijan and Türkiye will be able to destroy all dirty plans prepared together.

“Once again, I want to emphasize that the West is taking Armenia by the hand and preparing it for war with Azerbaijan. The only way to break all dirty games and not fall into traps is for Turkey and Azerbaijan to act together in all cases.

Ankara and Baku, in turn, are carrying out the necessary activities based on their vast experience in the art of statecraft. The Shusha Declaration is a document of special nature and importance that paves the way and increases the common resistance of our countries against all international and regional risks. Therefore, those who are making new war plans in the region for their own benefit should think from the very beginning about the response that will be given to them if they make a wrong step and fall into the quagmire that they are protecting Armenia. Then it may be too late.

Sohrab Ismail


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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