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Policeman arrested for the death of Roquetas de Mar doctor was his patient and suspected of organizing the assault on the house

The National Police officer arrested for the violent death of doctor Rafael Piorno Fermoselle in his house in Aguadulce, in Roquetas de Mar (Almería), last August, would have acted with his accomplice according to a “preconceived plan” to undertake a robbery at the home of the doctor, whom he knew because he was his patient.

According to the investigation carried out by the Judicial Police of the Civil Guard, the police officer who provided services in the El Ejido Police Station He was allegedly the “leader” of the operation, in which the person considered to be the alleged perpetrator of the homicide, which occurred on August 23, also participated.

Sources in the case consulted by Europa Press confirmed that, based on the existing evidence, it is believed that The two suspects went to the doctor’s home around 3:45 p.m. whom he had previously observed, preparing to commit a robbery, for which they also allegedly used the van belonging to the police officer’s romantic partner, also investigated in the case.

The accused allegedly took advantage of the fact thatThe doctor had the house for sale, where he also had a consultation, to go there under the pretext of a possible purchase, so that the person unrelated to the doctor knocked on the door under the pretext of making a visit to the house.

So at some point after opening the door, Suspect allegedly attacked 76-year-old doctor with Taser like the one that was later found by investigators during house searches carried out in Roquetas de Mar, Almería and León to immobilize the doctor.

Stabbed after a fight

However, the doctor, well known in the city for also integrating the PP lists for the 2023 municipal electionsallegedly tried to defend himself with a knife against his opponent; the same knife with which, after an alleged struggle, he was stabbed up to three times by his rival in the neck and shoulder area.

It was after the crime that the National Police officer allegedly entered the home. dressed in such a way that he could not be recognized by the doctorgiven the relationship he had with him as a patient. Thus, according to the investigation, both of them tied up the victim, who died shortly afterwards, without the possibility of asking for help.

From that moment on, the robbery orchestrated by the agent would have been thwarted by the crime, so the two suspects would have tried to clean the remains of blood from the house and eliminate the remaining vestiges of the crimefor which they took the bloody clothes.

Thus, the police officer left the house followed by his accomplice, who would have worn the victim’s clean clothes so as not to arouse suspicion. In this way, they would have loaded the plastic bag containing the effects removed from the crime into the van parked nearby to leave the scene and Travel the next day to León.

It should be recalled that, taking into account these indications and the evidence collected, as well as the suspects’ own statements, the President of the Court of First Instance and Instruction Number 1 of Roquetas de Mar ordered the imprisonment of the two persons involved for the crimes of manslaughter and robbery with violence, pending further investigation, since the officer’s partner was released as being under investigation, as she appeared to be the owner of the van.

Civil Guard agents investigating the case found various items related to the events in a premises in the city of Almeria rented by one of the detainees. In the searches carried out in León and Roquetas de Mar, there were also interventions a pistol, a large machete, ammunition and a Taser, among other effects.

Prior monitoring

The investigation revealed that the police officer, who was inactive and who “knew the deceased directly”, I knew “their routines and schedules”as well as the doctor’s intention to sell the house he lived in on Enrique Granados Street in the municipality of Roquetera.

On the other hand, the suspect who had presented himself as a potential buyer would have come expressly from León to work on the house. The two investigators were aware of security measures that they had to adopt to avoid being located before and after the events.

Using various alibis, “they attempted to approach the victim with the intention of gain their trust and thus carry out their intentions. The two alleged perpetrators tried to erase from the scene any trace that linked them to the deceased.

The detainees allegedly ended the life of the doctor, known in Roquetas de Mar for having joined the PP lists in the 2023 municipal elections. He was found two days after his death Thanks to a neighbor’s warning, he appeared tied up and with several puncture wounds.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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