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Marlaska demands that the PP “apologizes” for accusing the government of coercing Edmundo González

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Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska urged the Popular Party to “apologize” for the “serious accusations” he made about the Spanish diplomatic service, claiming that Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González was pressured by the government to leave Venezuela.

Similarly, he argued that the only thing the Spanish government had done was “give all the conditions of security and tranquility to Edmundo González so that he can freely make the appropriate decisions.”

The minister also acknowledged that the formation of Alberto Núñez Feijóo “Venezuela does not care about anything and the only thing that matters to it is making noise and resorting to hoaxes.”

Grande-Marlaska made these statements during the inauguration of the new headquarters of the canine guide unit of the Castilla y León police headquarters in Valladolid and after Edmundo González assured that “He was not forced by the Spanish government or by the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela, Ramón Santos.” for his exile.

He did so through a statement released in recent hours and in which the Venezuelan opposition leader also stated that efforts for his transfer “They were supervised and facilitated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, in conditions of security and respect for my rights.”

This letter was revealed after Alberto Núñez Feijóo assured in Rome, after meeting Giorgia Meloni, that “The Spanish government lied” on the asylum granted to Edmundo González.

And with this request, Grande-Marlaska joins the words of Minister Albares, who, for his part, also asked for an apology from the PP early this Friday for the “Insults and slander” which was directed against the Spanish foreign service.

Collaboration with Moroccan authorities

Asked about the arrest of Karim El Baqqali, the alleged perpetrator of the murders of the two civil guards of Barbate, the Minister of the Interior stressed the importance of “cooperation” between different countries and states.

Likewise, he acknowledged that collaboration and cooperation with Morocco and neighboring countries are “exceptional and extraordinary, and based on trust and good faith”, Furthermore, it always seeks “the benefit of our respective societies, by guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of all.”

“The important thing in a globalized world is cooperation, loyalty, fidelity and professionalism and this is something that our National Police and our Civil Guard have included in all the security forces and bodies of the countries with which we collaborate,” he said.

Grande-Marlaska also took the opportunity to stress that the arrest of Karim El Baqqali is the result of “significant investigative work” and that, for the moment, “We are continuing to expand the investigation.”

“Three international arrest warrants have been issued and we will see how things develop,” added.

Finally, the Interior Minister also classified as “interesting information and hoax” the information that suggests that the spying on Sánchez and Macron through Pegasus could come from the Moroccan media.




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