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HomeLatest NewsAyuso's PP demands the resignation of the mayor of Parla due to...

Ayuso’s PP demands the resignation of the mayor of Parla due to its economic bankruptcy, citizen insecurity and the collapse of the coalition

Parla does not raise his head. To his worrying data on the insecurity of citizens, which places him at the head of the region with an increase of 23 percent compared to last year, is added the dissolution of his coalition government due to a bull run financed with public money and the auction of the 2012 elections. This is the latest report from the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF). This organization has placed the municipalities of Jaén, Jerez de la Frontera and Parla as the only three local companies in all of Spain that are at a “critical” level at the economic level, in which a return to a situation is not possible.

The PP of Ayuso did not miss the opportunity and this Friday its number two, Alfonso Serrano, appeared in the municipality, governed by the PSOE in minority with Más Madrid, after the break with Podemos, to demand the resignation of the mayor, Ramón Jurado, of the PSOE.

“He must hand over the keys to the City Hall and go home, he has shown that he is incapable of reversing the situation in the municipality,” warned the secretary general of the Madrid PP, after meeting with the people of Parla. Among them José Manuel Zarzoso, president of the PP of Parla, and Héctor Carracedo, spokesman for the Municipal Group of the PP.

“The AIReF report places it as one of the most critical municipalities among the almost 8,000 municipalities in Spain due to a debt situation that amounts to 700 million euros after 40 years and, according to AIReF’s own estimates, “it would take more than 400 years to repay the debt,” Serrano warned.

“If we haven’t had enough of 40 years of socialism in Parla, do we need another 400 years of socialism? It is clear that the PSOE’s policies have not worked. “The government continues to put Parla into debt with the permission of the Ministry of Finance, which turns a blind eye.”

Serrano also spoke about the situation of this municipality in the south of the Community regarding citizen security data: “If the economic situation is critical, the security situation is also critical. We learned the data from the Government Delegation that places Parla as the municipality that has increased crime the most in the last year, by more than 23 percent. “This is due to the lack of personnel within the State Security Forces and Corps.”

Serrano believes that there is a critical situation in terms of political stability in Parla, where “the government team has collapsed and no longer has that majority. The mayor of Parla is like Pedro Sánchez, he has a government, but he is incapable of governing.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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