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How to properly clean and disinfect the inside of your washing machine with products you already have at home

Doing laundry is one of the most common household chores. Separating clothes between colors, choosing a program and applying the right soap has become a common task in daily home care. Thus, the washing machine is one of the most used appliances and therefore one of the most prone to dirt accumulation.

Throughout the week, it is common to select dirty clothes and put them in the drum to wash them. However, the dirt present on the clothes does not disappear, but can often accumulate in certain areas of the washing machine, causing the appearance of mold and bad odors.

It is therefore necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the appliance. In this way, not only will we avoid possible damage to the fabrics and the accumulation of bad odors in the clothes, but we will also be able to extend the useful life of the appliance.

So, in a few simple steps and without major complications, there is a way to properly clean and disinfect the inside of your washing machine with products that you already have at home.

Prepare the material

Before starting the cleaning, it is necessary to prepare all the equipment to avoid any incident. In this way, it will be possible to carry out a smooth cleaning that will allow us to save time and energy. Here is the equipment needed to clean and disinfect the washing machine:

  • Clean white vinegar
  • Liquid detergent
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soft bristle brush
  • cleaning gloves
  • Bleach
  • Baking soda (optional)

Cleaning the washing machine drum

To start disinfecting the washing machine, you must first empty the entire drum. To do this, make sure that no clothes or debris such as paper remain inside the drum. It is important that nothing remains, as the combination of products could damage the clothes in the washing machine basket.

Next, add a cup of white cleaning vinegar to the detergent dispenser and close the drawer. After that, select a medium or long wash cycle and a high temperature – it should be at least 30 degrees. White vinegar is a powerful natural cleaner, so it will dissolve all the dirt present in the drum.

In this way, if your washing machine was giving off a lot of bad odors, it will be possible to notice improvements at the end of the white vinegar washing program. In addition, it is not necessary to program another rinse program to eliminate the excess, since it is diluted with the water in the washing machine.

However, if the washing machine still has bad odors, it is possible to add half a cup of baking soda to the newly emptied drum of the washing machine and run another wash cycle with the hottest water possible. This compound will eliminate all the remains that the vinegar was unable to eliminate and will help deodorize the drum of the appliance.

Clean the rubber and seals of the washing machine

One of the areas where the most dirt and mold accumulate after each wash are the rubber seals of the washing machine. Therefore, cleaning them is essential to prevent them from wearing out easily and to eliminate bad odors from the appliance.

Put on your cleaning gloves and get ready to clean the gaskets. First, dampen a microfiber cloth with bleach and rub it into every nook and cranny of the rubber until the dirt is completely removed. You can also use a soft-bristled brush to reach the trickier areas.

Then, remove the excess bleach with a dry cloth, making sure to remove any excess. It is important that no traces of this compound remain on the rubber of the appliance. It is also advisable to unplug the washing machine to carry out this operation.

Clean the detergent and fabric softener compartments

Once the washing machine rubbers have been cleaned, the next step will also be to disinfect the detergent and fabric softener compartments. It is important to check them regularly, as they are a common point of accumulation of detergent residue.

To do this, remove the compartments if the washing machine allows it and rinse them with hot water. Let it sit for a few minutes to remove any traces of detergent and fabric softener embedded in the part. After that, use the soft-bristled brush to superficially scrub the entire area.

If the dirt remains stuck, mix equal parts water and white vinegar and repeat the process, always letting it sit for a few minutes before starting to scrub. Finally, dry the piece well before putting it back in place to prevent mold from forming.

Clean the washing machine filter

Finally, after cleaning the rest of the parts of the washing machine, you will need to check the filter. These are usually located at the bottom of the appliance and the remains of lint from the clothes accumulate during washing.

To begin cleaning the filter, place a towel just below the compartment, as it will likely lose some water when removing it from its compartment. Once removed, clean the filter with warm, soapy water to remove any lint and debris.

Also, use the soft bristle brush to clean the cavity where the filter is located, as dirt can also accumulate there. Dry the filter well and put it back in its place.

Cleaning the exterior of the washing machine

Once all the components of the washing machine are clean, you can take the opportunity to superficially clean the appliance. Mix white cleaning vinegar and water in equal parts and dampen a cloth with the combination of ingredients.

A superficial cleaning may seem superfluous, but it contributes to the aesthetics of the home, in addition to preventing dirt or detergent from damaging the finish of the appliance, thus limiting its useful life.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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