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HomeBreaking NewsIlham Aliyev congratulated Azerbaijani oil industry workers

Ilham Aliyev congratulated Azerbaijani oil industry workers

President Ilham Aliyev On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the “Contract of the Century” and the Day of the Oilman, he sent a congratulatory letter to the workers of the Azerbaijani oil industry.

AZERTAC reports that the congratulatory text reads:

“Dear oil industry workers!

I am proud to congratulate you wholeheartedly on the 30th anniversary of the “Contract of the Century” and on your professional holiday – September 20, Oil Workers’ Day!

The “Contract of the Century”, which is an important historical event for our country, and the Day of Oil Workers are closely connected with the name of national leader Heydar Aliyev.

Thanks to the visionary policy and iron will of the great leader, the “Contract of the Century” signed thirty years ago became a turning point in the development of Azerbaijan, our country became an active participant in international energy projects. Large projects implemented together with foreign partners not only gave the country a strategic position on the energy map, but also contributed to the stability of global energy supplies.

By implementing this grand project, the national leader left a legacy of economic independence and sustainable development to future generations of Azerbaijan. Over the past 30 years, the country’s economy has grown stronger and Azerbaijan’s position at the regional and global level has been strengthened. Large foreign investments were attracted, infrastructure was modernized, new jobs were created, and the living conditions of the population were significantly improved.

Azerbaijan has become a reliable partner and an exemplary country thanks to the development of the oil and gas sector, diversified energy policy, modern energy infrastructure and international cooperation. The supply of blue fuel to ten countries of the world and the continuous expansion of the scope of energy projects increase the importance of our country in the region, as well as create opportunities for the development of new economic areas.

Taking into account global challenges, Azerbaijan is implementing new initiatives to increase renewable energy resources. The “Year of Solidarity for a Green World” and the international event COP29, which will be hosted by Azerbaijan, will make an important contribution to solving global environmental problems, being an opportunity for the widespread use of sustainable energy sources, as well as the development of international cooperation in this field.

The ever-growing oil and gas sector is currently experiencing a new historical period. The great successes achieved in recent years are directly related to the development of the energy sector and its foundation, the “Contract of the Century”.

“I believe that your success in Azerbaijan’s oil industry will be an example for future generations. I am sure that the fruits of your selfless work will serve our people for many years to come. I wish each of you new achievements and successes on this path!”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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