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HomeBreaking NewsHow did two brothers embezzle $500 million in Azerbaijan?

How did two brothers embezzle $500 million in Azerbaijan?

The upcoming trial of gang members accused of organized cyber crimes related to money laundering and tax evasion: Bahadir Aghagulu oglu Gasimov, his brother Ikram Gasimov, their cousin Farhad Etibar oglu Gasimov, Javid Haji oglu Azizov, Veli Agamali oglu Aliyev and Anar Shamil oglu Ahmadov was held. reports that today the Baku Court of Serious Crimes heard the petition of the defendants at a hearing chaired by Judge Anar Sadigov.

The lawyer of the accused Bahadur Gasimov filed a petition and claimed that his client should be examined for health problems:

“He has a heart problem. His health is serious. A regurgitation device was placed in his heart to prevent his death. Bahadur Gasimov also has diabetes and suffers from obesity. In Russia he has been assigned a group II disability. “We have a document of the appointment. We will have it notarized and submit it to the court. Considering that his life is in danger, make sure that he is examined by Dr. Emin Karimov and Natavan Gurbanova.”

Although the prosecutor stated that this request should not be accepted, he partially accepted it during a consultation in court.

The lawyer of the other defendant, Ikram Gasimov, also filed a petition with the court.

According to the lawyer, the defendant was not aware of the lack of registration of the gold:

“In general, the gold taken from Ikram and the gold brought by Wali from Guba are different. It is generally not realized that the gold is not official. Ikram gave the gold to another person in a neutral area at the airport. He brought the gold officially from Dubai. He declared the gold at the airport there. We are in Dubai “Shahan An- We can take that document to court on the basis of a power of attorney with Nami’s law firm.” conditions for this process. It is your constitutional right to issue a power of attorney. We can also make a request to the State Customs Committee. It is necessary to compare the weight of the gold taken from Ikram with the weight of the gold brought into the country that day. This is important. Please accept the motion.”

The court did not grant the lawyer’s request. The defendants’ lawyers claimed that the trial team did not approach the case objectively and said that they would protest. The lawyers asked the court for time to do so. The prosecutor did not object and claimed that this request was legal. The court gave the lawyers time to write a letter of protest.

The next court hearing is scheduled for October 4.

It should be noted that last year the General Directorate for Combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of the Interior carried out an operation against illegal money transfers at the office located in the Yasamal region.

Six people suspected of involvement in organised crime were arrested in the operation: Bahadir Aghagulu oglu Gasimov, his brother Ikram Aghagulu oglu Gasimov, his cousin Farhad Etibar oglu Gasimov, Javid Haji oglu Azizov, Veli Aghamali oglu Aliyev and Anar Shamil oglu Ahmadov.

According to the indictment, they illegally transferred funds from a foreign country to Azerbaijan and from Azerbaijan to a foreign country. They avoided paying a large amount of taxes by illegally conducting banking activities. The members of the gang also divided up the tasks in connection with these cases.

The money laundering took place in the Yasamal district of Baku, with offices in Istanbul and Dubai.

A total of 254,409,947 manats of illegal money was transferred abroad through the company. One percent of these funds (2.5 million manats) remained as payment for services.

During the search of the office and the house where I. Gasimov lived, 1.5 million dollars, 1.4 million manats, firearms made in the USA and about 100 items of gold and diamonds worth a total of 1 million manats were found. It was reported that the gold jewelry was smuggled into the country.

Numerous properties belonging to the detainees and their relatives were confiscated, as well as around 100 cars and other valuable vehicles. The total value of all the properties is estimated to be close to 500 million manats.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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