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Rueda demands that Sánchez “cut the roots” of bilateral financing and leaves the meeting without a concrete offer

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, demanded that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, in the meeting he held this Friday, “stifle the“the possibility of singular financing agreements with reference to the economic agreement for Cataloniawhile confirming that he has not received any specific offer such as debt cancellation in an attempt to calm criticism of the Catalan quota.

The meeting between the two leaders takes place five months after Rueda’s inauguration as president of the Xunta for the second time, although it is the first after being a candidate in an election. The meeting took place around 12:30 in the morning after Pedro Sánchez received the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales.

At the end of the bilateral meeting that lasted an hour and a half, the president of the Xunta came forward from the Moncloa Palace and transmitted to Sánchez his request for termination of bilateral financing autonomous. Alfonso Rueda’s speech never left this path.

In any case, Rueda insisted on the need to reform the regional financing system and transferred Sánchez his concern because Catalonia is leaving the common financing regime collect one hundred percent of taxes, which, in his opinion, will harm Galicia and all communities.

In this regard, Rueda criticized the fact that Sánchez did not specify much about the tax agreement with ERC for an economic agreement in Cataloniacriticizing this Catalan quota because he believes that “it goes against what Galicia understands to be the guarantee of solidarity for the provision of basic services”: “This agreement is devastating for Galicia, harmful,” he said.

Conference of Presidents

The Galician also explained that during this meeting There was no threat of negotiation regarding financing Because Rueda believes that the framework for this is with all the presidents through the Conference of Presidents or the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council in a multilateral manner.

Along the same lines, Rueda explained that Sánchez had informed him of his intention to include only the following on the agenda of the next Conference of Presidents: the housing issuewhich has been criticized by the Galician president because he considers it necessary to also address financing, among other issues.

The President of Galicia assured that Sánchez had indeed shown himself in favour of regional financing also being addressed multilaterally within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Councileven though he also defends duality in bilateral negotiations.

Regarding a possible debt relief from Galicia, Rueda confirmed that he had not received any specific offer at this meeting from the President of the Government, adding that he had already informed him that the Debt relief was another formula within the general financing system.

Coastal law

Rueda, who arrived in Madrid with his homework well done, put the commitment of Immediately activate the Joint Media Transfer Commission that facilitate the management of the Galician coast, as the main advance of his meeting with the head of the Central Executive, Pedro Sánchez, a meeting that summarizes “very good words, but very few concrete details,” he said.

The head of the Galician Executive said that, for his part, in an agenda previously sent to Moncloa, he tried to “raise concrete things and proposals.” Rueda recalled that in the meeting he had with Sánchez two years ago, after taking the reins of the Xunta from Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the government put as a condition the reform of the Statute to transfer the management of the coastline to the regional executive.

However, The Xunta promoted an autonomous law, which was appealed by the central executive and subsequently approved by the TC.According to Rueda, Sánchez’s commitment is to immediately activate the joint transfer commission so that the means are facilitated and the transfer of coastal management can be made concrete.

Another issue addressed was AP-9 transfer– projects that the Galician president considers “key” for the community. In this sense, he indicated that he had reiterated his position to the head of the Central Executive but limited himself to “taking note” or “reporting” it, but without further details.


Regarding financing with European fundsRueda said that there are several interests on the table in Galicia, the textile fiber factory that Altri is planning in Palas de Rei (Lugo) being the one that is “the most advanced and mature,” he said. “But there are other projects that are in the same situation and that simply require equal treatment compared to what the government gives to other territories,” Rueda said.

The Galician president explained that he had made it known that a decentralization in the management of Next Generation funds could help solve the problem. “He told me he would look into it, which is what he told me two years ago when I asked him the same question about this same company,” he concluded.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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