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HomeLatest NewsITE launches new battery project so electric vehicles can be safely recharged...

ITE launches new battery project so electric vehicles can be safely recharged in 15 minutes

The use of lithium batteries, a technology Storage characterized by its versatility and high energy density has experienced a growth exponential growth driven by strong demand from a wide range of sectors, among which sustainable mobility stands out.

This growth implies the need to continue developing this technology and improve its performance, its lifespan and reduce charging times while ensuring safety. With this main objective, the Technological Institute energy (ITE) has launched a new project called PROMOBATfunded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (Ivace+I).

The time of burden of batteries is one of the challenges that the sector faces, for this it is essential to research and develop innovative technologies of cells and modules (group of cells connected to each other that end up forming the battery). The objective, in this sense, is to develop innovative technological solutions that allow the design and prototyping of high-performance and at the same time high-safety battery cells and modules, as well as methodologies for evaluating the quality of these batteries, through the combination of research, industrial and experimental development for the validation of solutions.

At the cellular level, the objective is to optimize the most relevant parameters of the prototype production process, related to the material, the production of electrodes and integration into the cell itself. In addition, they will explore new advanced lithium technologies, precursors to solid-state batteries, based on hybrid electrolytes which allow higher energy densities and benefits.

At the module level, the ITE prototyped cells will be combined with new high-nickel chemistry, with thermal management technologies based on phase change materials and thermal interface materials, as well as with sensors and control electronics that ensure safety and optimize operation.

“This is a very ambitious project in which we want to create a new prototype of cell and module to improve the performance of lithium batteries and their safety. The great objective of the sector is reduce THE time of burden batteries without compromising safety. A full charge in 15 minutes for an electric vehicle is the main objective sought by the sector,” he explained. Alberto Leonproject manager.

PROMOBAT is financed by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (Ivace+i) through the nominative grant to the ITE to support the activity in terms of independent R&D, dissemination of research results and transfer of knowledge and technology to companies in the Valencian Community. (Exp. IMDEEA/2024/90).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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