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HomeBreaking NewsPresentation of the textbook "Grammar of Contemporary Azerbaijani" was held

Presentation of the textbook “Grammar of Contemporary Azerbaijani” was held

On September 20, the textbook Grammar of Modern Azerbaijani was presented at the Baku Book Center.

AZERTAC reports that the Vice President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation at the event Leyla Aliyeva and the director of the Baku Media Center Arzu AliyevaAzerbaijani scientific, cultural and public figures also participated.

The authors of the book, published with the support of the State Committee for Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are scientific linguist Sabina Aliyeva and Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Azerbaijan University of Languages ​​Jala Garibova.

Linguist-scientist Sabina Aliyeva, who gave an interview to AZERTAC before the presentation of the book, said that the textbook covers all grammatical categories and constructions for English speakers to learn the Azerbaijani language. “The book is written in English. Examples of each grammatical category and structure are given in both Azerbaijani and English. Tables reflecting all grammatical categories are presented at the end of the book. The textbook was written in about four years. It took almost 20 years to create this book. The experience gained during the lessons we gave to foreigners was useful. In response to the documents signed by President Ilham Aliyev in order to promote the Azerbaijani language, we also tried to make a small contribution to this work,” she said.

Speaking at the event, Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee for Diaspora Work of the Republic of Azerbaijan, noted that the authors started this work almost five years ago.

Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the Committee, stressed that our compatriots living abroad consider the preservation of the Azerbaijani language and its development as the main priority. Ilham Aliyev and the first lady Mehriban Aliyeva He said that for this purpose “Azerbaijani houses” were created abroad: “Under them, Saturday and Sunday schools were organized so that our children and young people growing up abroad could take advantage of these opportunities to master the Azerbaijani language.”

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, linguist and scientist Sabina Aliyeva said that for her, every work done in favor of the Azerbaijani language is a service to the Motherland.

Jala Garibova, vice-rector for international relations at the Azerbaijan University of Languages, said that there is a great need for such a textbook. “We have been teaching the Azerbaijani language to foreign students for several years. In that process, we saw a great need for a textbook on the systematic grammar of the Azerbaijani language, started working on it and created this book,” said the vice-rector.

Kamal Abdulla, editor of the book and rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, stressed the importance of the publication and noted that today students from many countries are very eager to learn the Azerbaijani language. “I think this book will be a useful tool in the hands of people who want to learn our language,” the rector said.

Sevinj Aliyeva, Director of the Monitoring Center of the State Language Commission, stressed that this textbook will become a rich literature for all those who learn the Azerbaijani language in the future.

Academician Rafael Huseynov, Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, noted that every book dedicated to the Azerbaijani language is extraordinary and stated that this work is of great importance.

The event continued with the artistic part.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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