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HomeLatest NewsIf you do not have this certificate, you will not be able...

If you do not have this certificate, you will not be able to sell or rent your home, in accordance with the new European law.

Are you considering selling or renting your accommodation? Well, be careful because the new European law brings important changes. Now, if you don’t have a specific certificateyou will not be able to perform any of these operations. This document will be mandatory to comply with the energy and sustainability regulations required by the European Union. If you do not have it yet, it is time to inform yourself and get it because without it you could have complications. Do you want to know what document it is?

The document your home will need from 2030

The European directive on the energy efficiency of buildings that you can already see in the BOE establishes the new criteria that they must collect all the properties in order to sell and rent them. This new regulation aims to improve energy efficiency and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Until now, to be able to carry out these operations, it was sufficient for the household to have the Energy certificate. But of 2030 The certificate grade (ranging from A to G) must be at least AND. Regulations will become stricter and for 2033accommodations must have a label with a note dBy 2040, the goal is for all homes to achieve maximum efficiency or at least be certified with the letter B.

According to Andimac (National Association of Distributors of Ceramics and Building Materials), 83% of homes currently do not meet this minimum requirement demanded by the European community to be able to buy or rent homes from 2030.

How to improve the energy performance of your property?

He Energy efficiency certificate Give your home a letter grade, from A to G. Properties that get an A, B or C are the most efficient (they use less energy) and those from D to G have higher energy consumption.

For improve the efficiency of your home You can do several things:

  • Insulate the house well: For this, it is recommended to check the windows and doors.
  • To have a efficient heating system and use it wisely.
  • Replace household appliances with more “eco” models and optimize its use.
  • Use renewable energy like solar thanks to the installation of solar panels.

Are reforms to obtain a better rating in the energy efficiency certificate Housing may not be affordable for everyone. That is why the government has support programs to cover this investment. If your home does not reach an E rating by 2030, it will not be able to be sold or rented.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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