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“The UPN is out of the game and in the process of disintegration”

As if it were the witch Lola or Aramís Fuster herself, the Mayor of Pamplona, ​​Joseba Asiróngot dressed futurist to make the party that obtained the most votes in Pamplona, ​​in opposition thanks to the payment of the socialists to pro-etarras so that Chivite and Pedro Sánchez can firmly retain the seats of Navarre and Madrid, is being disintegration.

He said this in an interview with Europa Press in which he said that “probably” the City Hall has “the A more plural municipal administration but, at the same time, more stable and more solidarity of the last few decades, and I probably haven’t succeeded,” and added that UPN is “out of the game” and “does not even carry out” any “monitoring work”.

Assyron, as circumstances require, gilded the pill to those who entrusted him with the town hall, saying that there is “a collaborative environment“with the PSN and there is “a willingness to reach agreements” despite the fact that the municipality and the socialists “disagree on many things.” “The PSN is an opposition to the municipality, but it is a constructive opposition and that is very important. That is what the UPN is not doing, which, among other things, is a project that is currently in danger, it is almost disintegrating,” he argued.

In this scenario, the mayor hopes to reach an agreement with the PSN to approve the 2025 municipal budgets: “There will be one. negotiation with PSN And, furthermore, we anticipate that it will be a demanding negotiation because we are diverse, we are plural. Each party that makes up the City Council has its own political culture and preferences, but there are issues on which we agree,” he said.

On the contrary, he said that the UPN “has now placed itself in the periphery of politics, almost out of the systemand it’s a shame, because it represents an important sector of the city.” “The truth is that the PSN, which also raises its demands and also does control work, is at the same time doing a an opposition that I would describe as at least responsible and constructive. Therefore, I believe that we will agree to approve the budgets,” he said.

He forgot to tell the mayor in the interview that the socialists, since he took over, have forgotten the criticism and that everything the mayor of the pro-ETA party does seems good to him because not once in 9 months as mayor of Bildu have they criticized something that Asirón did or said.

At the same time, Asirón indicated that he has with the UPN “a relationship that one could say is reduced to vital signs “We greet each other, etc., but there is no relationship. They have said actively and passively that they do not want to talk to EH Bildu. I think they do not have smooth relations with any of the government parties. With the opposition parties, especially with the PSN, they have very tense relations,” he said.

The mayor of Pamplona considered this situation as “a pity” and stressed that “the UPN is in a very complicated internal processand at the same time, when it comes to municipal politics, it is with a obvious lack of leadershipAnd located very much on the outskirts“. “It doesn’t add anything at all. There are no proposals, it’s just that there’s not even any monitoring work per se. I would say that they are currently out of the game in relation to the political dynamics of the city council,” he added.

Asirón added that the bases that will mark the 2025 accounts are “the government agreements signed with Contigo-Zurekin and Geroa Bai, and the agreements that we conclude with the PSN“The priorities are social spending, public investment and big city projects. For example, it could be the Affordable Housing Plan, the Coexistence Plan, the World Capital of the Ball, the Paseo de Sarasate and, of course, the neighborhood plan,” he said.

On one of these topics, the Coexistence planJoseba Asirón stressed that for the municipal government it is “one of the great milestones, one of the great scenarios that this legislature must mark.” “Among other things, this legislature must be the legislature in which progress is made in terms of coexistence” he stressed.

To negotiate this plan, it was considered that there were two positions between the groups of the City Council.On one side of this scale, I would place the three government parties and I would also place, at least among the opposition groups, the PSN.“This would place the PP in a situation of greater dialogue, and the UPN, at the other extreme,” he said.

Joseba Asirón recalled that before Sanfermines, all the municipal groups gathered in a photo of coexistence, but added that UPN” was the discordant notebecause he posed in the photo, but at the same time he came out to criticize it.” “This is the moment that the UPN is in right now, it’s a bit confusing,” he assured.

However, the mayor indicated that “the UPN represents a very important sector of the population, for which I have a lot of respect and it seems to me that they are essential, so we will have to make this effort to try that the UPN re-enters the political game, in a supervisory manneras befits the opposition, but at the same time constructive.”

After that, Joseba Asirón stressed that “a coexistence photography in Pamplona, ​​where the sector of the population that the UPN represents was not present, would be lame.”

On the other hand, the mayor indicated that “there is no deadline” for the approval of the Coexistence Plan. “It is a legislative project. We will try to approve it, but if not, we will at least try to mark it with steps like the one that happened before San Fermín, which is also very important,” he stressed.

In another area, regarding the debate around bulls in SanferminesJoseba Asirón stressed that “there is a debate about the bullfighting world that is in the street, that is in the world, that is in society and that must continue to be there, but in Pamplona we have another debate added, which is the debate about the festive model, that is, what are the real alternatives to the Sanfermines without bulls? “I think they are not conceivable at the moment,” he indicated.

“I don’t know how important bullfighting is, but I think that at the moment the running of the bulls in Pamplona is one of the great images that best defines what the Sanfermines are. So there is a debate on bullfightingbut I don’t think we have even begun a thorough debate on the festive model” he stressed.

The mayor said that “this debate must take place in the street and not in institutions, that is to say that the institution must be sensitive to the evolution of society and If there comes a time when society prepares for a Sanfermine without bulls, if the majority believes so, institutions will have to be sensitive.but it is true that this point has not yet been reached.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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