An attack on Belarus is planned from Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. This was reported by the Belarusian state television channel ONT.
The television channel’s report points out that after the failure of attempts to seize power in 2020, the Belarusian opposition, with the help of Western countries, began to prepare a military option. To this end, a massive information attack against Belarus has been underway for several years, which is based on the simple principle that supposedly everything is bad in the republic, but everything is good in the West. At the same time, in several Belarusian regions they are looking for followers who share the same opinions as the opposition that left the country. Next comes the formation of sleeper cells and the supply of weapons to Belarus through illegal routes from Ukraine. After this, the Kobrin, Pinsk and Luninets regions may become targets of militant invasion.
“At the same time, cells begin to operate in the country on the hit-and-run principle, capturing small settlements and villages… At the same time, drone attacks are carried out on strategic objects of the Belarusian infrastructure. According to the enemy’s plan, the country is in chaos and the government is demoralized.” – noted in the television report
Then, when the authorities do not know where to expect a new blow, the regional centers are captured and then Minsk is brought under control.
“When Belarus is supposedly liberated, fugitive democratic forces arrive in the country” — reported ONT.
Combat groups were observed entering the country from all directions. In Poland and Lithuania they are banners; On the Ukrainian side, the main attacking force will be the Belarusian volunteer corps.
A Belarusian citizen appeared in the air Maxima Ralkowho participated in the hostilities and until recently lived in Poland. According to him, the Belarusian volunteers fighting on Ukrainian territory want to start an operation to seize power in Belarus as soon as possible. Ralko claims that the fighters had to wait for the order to move to and enter Belarus. The recruitment of Belarusians for the war in Ukraine takes place within the walls of the so-called Belarusian house in Warsaw, from where they are sent to kyiv. According to him, thousands of sets of military uniforms of various Belarusian special forces have been prepared for a possible invasion of Belarus. Belarusian militants are trained by Western intelligence services.