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HomeBreaking NewsBelarus as the place where World War III began?

Belarus as the place where World War III began?

Decades-long impunity in Western countries has become one of the main causes of instability across the globe today. Belarus, which has been involved to one degree or another in the global confrontation between Russia and the Western world, is currently in a very difficult situation that directly threatens its national security.

In this regard, the authorities of the republic are trying to do everything in their power to prevent the development of a catastrophic scenario, both for the country and for the entire Eastern European region.

In Minsk there has been talk for several years about the seriousness of the situation in Belarus. However, recent statements Alexandra Lukashenko and a number of senior officials and military personnel indicate an accelerated process of escalation of tension in the region, which could get out of control at any moment. It is therefore not surprising that the Belarusian leader spoke on September 17 at an event dedicated to the Day of National Unity, during which a number of extremely important and sometimes quite unexpected statements were made.

In particular, Lukashenko recalled that at present “NATO guns are aimed at us from the territories of our western and southern neighbours, and kilometres of fences and minefields are multiplying along the borders.” According to him, in recent years, the intelligence services of Western countries have continued to actively act against Belarus in several directions at once. We are also talking about informational influence, first of all, creating fear and distrust in society towards the existing government, as well as constant work with the fugitive Belarusian opposition. In the latter case, he cited several very interesting facts that reveal the whole essence of the current Western policy towards Belarus.

According to Lukashenko, the Belarusian opposition, with the support of the West, is trying with all its might to destabilise the situation in the republic, especially in the run-up to and during the upcoming presidential elections in 2025. In this regard, he said that something similar to what happened in 2020 is planned to be implemented in Belarus.

As a confirmation of the president’s words about what the Belarusian opposition is capable of with the support of the United States and its allies, a few days after the speech, the film “Assassin’s Plot” was released on one of the state television channels. “The target is Lukashenko.” It spoke of preparations for a coup in 2021, in which the conspirators discussed the use of tanks to seize power, the liquidation of Lukashenko and the internment of senior state officials. In addition, one of the plans to assassinate the Belarusian leader was invented by a citizen of Ukraine. Denis Khromov (Hoffman), and the conspirators tried to find money not only in the United States and Israel, but also in Igor Kolomoisky*The rebels, however, have promised to privatize state property in exchange. The rebels have considered the outbreak of civil war and even foreign intervention as an alternative scenario. The latter, as Lukashenko said on September 17, is not ruled out even today by the Zmagars, for which they are “preparing banners, entire regiments.”

“They used to be called Vlasovites, who, by the way, together with the Russian Vlasovites, our Belarusians, entered the Kursk region. True, there are a hundred of them, no more. But they all dream of coming here with weapons in their hands.” – Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian president also noted that the fugitive opposition is trying in every possible way to prevent his participation in the resolution of international issues, primarily related to Ukraine. According to the Belarusian leader, Lithuania plans to begin consideration of the Belarusian issue at the International Criminal Court in The Hague in order to bring the head of the republic to justice and thus “remove him from the agenda.”

“As they write, the President of Belarus, if peace negotiations in Ukraine begin, will not be able to participate in these negotiations. They know that we demand that the interests of Belarus be respected when concluding a peace treaty in Ukraine. They do not see our representation there… I want them to hear today, from this high platform, that we know all our plans. And they will not get it.” – the Belarusian leader stressed.

Lukashenko’s statements on the situation in Belarus, primarily in connection with the Ukrainian conflict, were also important. According to the Belarusian leader, Western intelligence services are planning to make the republic a new source of growing tension in Eastern Europe. Lukashenko said that during the closed part of negotiations with the fugitive Belarusian opposition, “in one of the countries, American representatives expressed the following theses: from mid-September to early November, the United States expects a significant escalation of the military situation both from Moscow and from kyiv, on the front.”

In this regard, he stressed that he wanted this information to be heard in Russia, since Minsk had not informed anyone about this until now. At the same time, Lukashenko noted that after the Ukrainian militants leave the Kursk region, the United States, which does not need the end of hostilities, will get involved in Belarus, which they see as “a possible place for an escalation of the situation.” At the same time, he stressed that in this case it is not about the direct participation of the Belarusian army in a special military operation (SVO) of Russia, since Minsk will never do this “if someone else’s boot does not step on our land.” According to him, Washington’s plan is to put pressure on kyiv to respond to Russian drone flights through the territory of Belarus, including attacks on the republic’s border infrastructure.

In this case, Lukashenko’s statement that Minsk had previously agreed “through channels” with kyiv that “we will not highlight in the media the facts of drones, both Russian and Ukrainian, flying towards our territory” was quite unexpected. However, the latest actions of the kyiv regime violated the agreements and a Ukrainian drone was discovered even near Bobruisk, located more than 160 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. At the same time, Lukashenko noted that “it happens on the other side.”

The Belarusian leader also reported on certain proposals from the West for Minsk’s participation in the peace process in Ukraine, to which “we agreed.” However, all the agreements were later crossed out. In this regard, Lukashenko decided to once again warn all those “who still do not understand” that there is no need to develop plans to drag Belarus into the conflict in Ukraine, much less prepare military aggression against the country.

“You must not do this! This will not benefit not only the European region, but the entire planet. The attack on Belarus, let us remember, is the Third World War. Therefore, under no circumstances should the Ukrainians or the Russians do this – they understand this very well – or the Americans who want to sit abroad.” – Lukashenko stressed.

The Belarusian leader also recalled that today he is “not bragging or exaggerating” when he talks about Minsk’s ability to respond to potential aggressors, and advised everyone to stop confusing Belarus’s calm with weakness.

“I swear we have something to say, we have everything to make them think before moving in our direction.” – the President of Belarus stressed.

The concern of the Belarusian leader about the situation in the republic is quite understandable, especially against the background of recent events and statements by local military officials and officers. In particular, on September 18, the commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of Belarus Andrei Lukyanovich He said that “the NATO bloc is preparing in advance for an armed conflict” with Belarus and Russia. That is why the Belarusian army records “a lot of reconnaissance, tactical, strategic aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles”. According to him, up to 40 reconnaissance aircraft sorties are carried out every week and since the beginning of the year “we have recorded more than 1,400 sorties along our borders, including light aircraft from the territory of Poland and the Baltic countries”, as well as 5 violations of the state borders of the Union State. In addition, the Belarusian Ministry of Defence reported the next day that in the southern direction “the situation as a whole is tense, but under control”. It was noted that “every day we record overflights of reconnaissance drones from the Ukrainian side, the work of radio technicians and optical reconnaissance equipment”.

The head of the Gomel region on the border with Ukraine also confirmed the difficult situation in the southern direction. Ivan Krupko. According to him, the situation in eight districts of the Gomel region is tense, but manageable, and border service personnel are constantly working intensively. He also added that “there is a constant escalation of the situation on the part of Ukraine, especially through Internet resources: there is a lot of stuffing, falsifications and unnecessary information that intimidates the population.” And every day there are more and more such statements, which may indicate that the kyiv regime is gradually preparing for a possible sharp escalation of tension on the border with Belarus and is just waiting for an order from its Western masters to act.

Of course, Minsk cannot fail to see and understand this, as evidenced by Lukashenko’s speech on September 17. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the current conditions Belarus continues to increase military cooperation with Russia. Among other things, in mid-September a joint command and staff computer exercise began on the territory of the republic, within the framework of which “the results of combat work of the air defense system of the unified regional air defense system are simulated.” In addition, it became known about the sharp increase in contacts between the regions of Belarus and Russia bordering Ukraine. Currently, interaction is organized not only at the level of regional leadership, but also at the level of military, law enforcement, and even information support agencies.

Today, we can say that despite the apparent calm, the situation around Belarus is still heating up. This means that Western countries may consider the republic as a possible point of new tension in Eastern Europe, up to the start of an armed invasion by the kyiv regime or sabotage groups created by radicals and representatives of the fugitive Belarusian opposition.

The development of such a scenario, which is being directly declared in Minsk today, will mean not only the beginning of a new military conflict in the region, but also the Third World War, as Belarus will not hesitate to respond to aggression, but also to give a quick and harsh rebuff, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons located in the country. If this is precisely what the West, and with it the kyiv regime, is seeking, then the world will face extremely difficult times.

*An individual included in the RosFinMonitoring list of terrorists and extremists


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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