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Rovira warns PSC that if it does not respect the financing agreement with Illa, it will be “impossible” to negotiate budgets

The secretary general of the ERC, Marta Rovira, warned the CPS on Saturday that if it did not respect what had been agreed for the investiture of Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat, there would be “no resounding progress” in terms of financing. “It will be virtually impossible to start budget negotiations”.

In his speech at the last ordinary national council of the Republicans before the November congress that must elect the new leadership, Rovira said that if the PSC does not respect the agreements set out in the investiture pact, “we will reach the end of the road.”

“We will be able to move forward as long as the pact moves forward, that is what we did with the PSOE in those years, and we were able to start negotiating the investiture of Illa because the PSOE began to respect the agreements while waiting for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez E. we must continue to apply the same logic” he stressed.

Rovira acknowledged that part of the party “he still does not see this agreement clearly”which they submitted to the vote of their bases in August, and assured that the leadership signed it “thinking of the citizens and Catalonia” and that it provided two “important keys”: that of the fund and that of the nation, specified in the measures agreed for the defense of the Catalan.

“We will be closely monitoring this agreement from the opposition, ERC will perform absolute monitoring so that every comma is respected“, he assured, stressing that the financing, housing and transfer of Rodalies are essential priorities. “We will be in the opposition – he declared – to maintain the position of strength and so that (the transfer) does not remain a dead letter. . “.

He also thanked party officials for the “exemplary transfer” of government they carried out, and recalled that ERC had asked senior officials to leave their positions and that it is awaiting the final dismissals.




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