Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 8:21 pm
HomeBreaking NewsTram cuts and businesses affected

Tram cuts and businesses affected

The rains were announced from the first days of the week and this Saturday they became a reality. The large accumulation in a few minutes is causing conditions in different parts of Zaragoza.

Regular tram traffic is disrupted by flooding of the tracks. Specifically, The public transport underpass through Parque Goya is closed due to the presence of water in the corridor. The City Council of Zaragoza reports that shuttles have been made available to travelers.

At this same point, there is Traffic cut on the N-330 at the height of San Gregorio towards Huesca through puddles on the road.

Caution in Venice Park

A point punished day after day when it rains is the Parque Venecia neighborhood. In the morning, the first traffic problems begin to appear. In this case, we see the roundabout that gives access to the avenue of the local police with the third belt. overflowing with water with large ponds that make their movement difficult.

Another affected point is the central street of Manifestación. It is under construction and the rains do not help. The inhabitants of this street were seen early in the morning with their basements flooded with water. From the Bacchanale costume shop, They are “overwhelmed and saturated” facing the water avenue at the bottom of the premises.




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