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“Take advantage of the evil he has prepared”

Javier Tebas separated from Super Depore led by Augusto Cesar Lendoiro in the offices, and he did not hesitate to respond. The president of the League assured that “With Lendoiro he came to play in Europe and ended up owing 90 million to the I also make a great club. The former president of the best Deport in history did not remain silent and defended his management.

“He knows, more than anyone, that The vast majority of clubs owed very large sums to the Treasury, which then turned a blind eye.“, began to answer Lendoiro. In addition, the former president of Deportivo de La Coruña accuses him of having committed “manigans” with the “Fuenlabrada case” as an example, and assured that the highest leader of the League “appreciates the evil he has prepared.”

In a letter titled “Thebes ‘remembers’ Super Depor”, Lendoiro I took the opportunity to respond Thebes after accusing him of leaving a large debt to Depor when he left. The former Galician leader pointed out the president of the Spanish Football Federation.

Lendoiro’s full letter

“Thebes ‘remembers’ Super Depor”

A week ago, Javier Tebas, in one of those press conferences that he loves, in which he mercilessly “shoots” a club, a president or an organization, “remembered” the Super Deportivo.

After giving a scary smile, as he announced that he was already taking advantage of the evil he had prepared, he answered a question about the situation of the Mestalla.

“Valencia was a great club, but let’s not forget the debt it ended up with. It happened with Deportivo de La Coruña, with Lendoiro. He also played in Europe and how did Augusto leave the club? He owes 90 million euros to the taxman. That way I would have also made a great club. “Let whoever comes pay.”

Faced with the strange silence of Depor and the press, I believe I have the right and the duty to respond to each of the assessments of the one who believes he is the master of football, because he manages all his money, but he is only a luxury employee.

Thebes, as almost always, manipulates reality. And he knows it. It is not argued that this qualifies us as “rara avis”, as far as the tax administration is concerned. He knows better than anyone that the vast majority of clubs owed very large sums to a Treasury that, at the time, looked the other way.

Deportivo has not been an exception to the principle of “who comes pays”. Generally speaking, the arrival of a new board of directors has coincided with a difficult economic situation… but one that was already known before running for office.

I experienced it both ways. When I arrived in 1988, I discovered a club with a lot of debt, but I knew it well. In 2014, when the shareholders decided to change – I wanted to continue – Tino Fernández’s board of directors not only knew the accounts, but they were audited by the bankruptcy trustees.

It is shameful that a La Liga president reduces Súper Dépor to “a great club that played in Europe”. In case Tebas has forgotten – or, since he doesn’t like football, he may have never known – I will remind him of what that Super Dépor he is making fun of meant.

In summary, we will say that he has been champion of the League, of two Cups and three Super Cups, that he has played five consecutive Champions Leagues – including a semi-final – and that he has won the affection of millions of Spaniards who have welcomed him as their second team.

Achieving all this, even if after 25 years you end up with a large mortgage, but to be paid off in 35 years, is not within everyone’s reach.

Tebas knows this because he also tried to preside over a champion club, but only managed to take it to the Second Division. He started as president of Huesca. He took it to the Third Division and, after five years, left it in the same category.

Then he tried it with Badajoz. He participated in Marcelo Tinelli’s adventure of building a great club. They signed exceptional Argentine players, but they did not progress from the second division. Tinelli, faced with sporting and economic failure – shortly after the liquidation of Badajoz – handed over the helm to Tebas, who went through the club without pain or glory.

After acting as a “strategic agent” for Xerez, Rayo, Valladolid, Mallorca… he became Piterman’s advisor, lawyer and faithful squire. I am sure that even today, Racing and Alavés fans remember them. They remember them not for their achievements, but for the shenanigans, debts and risk of disappearance they ran.

And with this record of service, Tebas dares to mock the Super Depor. What a great opportunity he let slip, instead of despising him, ask his fans to forgive him!

Javier Tebas knows that the city, led by its city council, has declared him “persona non grata” for his disastrous decisions. He will go down in history as the man who unjustly condemned us in the “Fuenlabrada case” and who abandoned us in the murder of Jimmy. These regrettable decisions will always occupy the first places in the darkest pages of the club’s history.

Tebas, who I consider a good lawyer, did not tremble when he signed to break the rule he had imposed on himself: “all the matches of the last day of the League will be played at the same time”. Well no. Only Deportivo-Fuenlabrada was suspended – due to the covid of several Madrid players – instead of doing it for all the matches.

His decision sent Deportivo to Second B… without being able to play this last day, during which games took place that give rise to thinking about possible agreements or solutions.

And if the “Fuenlabrada case” was very sad, Jimmy’s was close to popular rebellion. Javier Tebas had the audacity to force Atlético-Deportivo to play, a few hours after the murder.

The ultra “Catholic” Tebas seems to understand in a very particular way this great commandment “to love your neighbor as yourself”. He qualifies himself by not suspending the match and saying goodbye to me, as the only ambassador of La Liga, for attending Jimmy’s funeral.

You would think he would understand that some people don’t have the right to life. Ultra Tebas seems to deny Jimmy, a Riazor Blues, that right because he considers him an ultra. Forgive him, Lord.

Did Thebes have solid reasons to ask the deportees for forgiveness or not?

This is how the malevolent leader of La Liga acts. The clubs would do well to keep in mind that Tebas is their employee. A super luxury employee, but an employee nonetheless. The problem is that they have given him the keys to the cash register and economic control. Don’t panic.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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