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“In Spain he has spies to watch him”

The diet of Nicolas Maduro imposed severe restrictions on Edmundo Gonzalezelected president of Venezuela according to the known electoral results (83%), to allow him to leave the country under the condition of asylum with diplomatic protection. González, who also had on the table the offer of asylum from the United States, was invited to come to Spain. The Spanish intelligence services have one of the keys to this predilection of Madrid vs Miami by Maduro: in Spain he will be under close surveillance by agents of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

They know it within the CNI and the Venezuelan opponents and their families exiled in Madrid know it too: Maduro has many eyes and ears in the Spanish capital attentive to the Venezuelan diaspora. The opposition community is known to be monitored by Chavista informants who report to Caracas on the public and private activities carried out by the exiles in Spain.

The presence of agents of the Intelligence Directorate of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service of Venezuela (SEBIN) in Spain is abundant, according to state security sources consulted by OKDIARIO. In fact, since the war in Ukraine and the significant decrease in Russian agents – expelled by the government – the Venezuelan intelligence community is one of the most numerous in Spain. And this, they say, is one of the reasons why the Maduro regime chose Spain as the final destination of Edmundo González, for whom the door was also opened to asylum in the United States.

In Madrid, these sources explain, all the movements of the opponents are X-rayed to the nearest millimeter and Caracas is immediately informed. Any conference or speech by a Venezuelan exile – and especially if he has held representative functions – is telegraphed in the reports of SEBIN and its Strategic Research Directorate (DIE)they emphasize.

One of the circumstances that has helped SEBIN in recent years is introduce and remove your collaborators From Spain, migratory flows from Venezuela are quite simple. This Latin community currently has almost half a million people residing in Spain. Among them, 188,209 have refugee status.

In the latest national security report, prepared by the National Security Department (DNS) dependent on Moncloa, a significant rebound in theactivity of foreign intelligence services in Spain, which reaches 118 points. It increases by 38 points compared to 2022, the year in which the expulsions of Russian agents caused the monitored activity of spies to sink. It should be noted that since Pedro Sánchez came to power, the DNS has detected greater activity of these services in Spain, although the document does not mention Venezuela anywhere.

Foreign intelligence services activity index (Source: CNI).

Recognized despite Sanchez

The government of Pedro Sanchez suffered a new parliamentary defeat that shows its fragility in Congress, this time for having opposed the recognition of the defeat of the Nicolas Maduro during the presidential elections in Venezuela, in which the opposition published the minutes demonstrating the failure of the Chavista regime. The Lower House recognized Edmundo Gonzalez as elected president of Venezuela despite the blow from Maduro. This is an initiative presented by the PP and which was carried out 177 votes forby 164 against. The PNV, partner of Sánchez, joined this proposal among those of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo.

Neither Sánchez nor the other ministers of his executive have so far recognized the victory of the Venezuelan opposition against Maduro. The socialists are demanding that the Chavista regime publish the minutes of the elections that took place in Venezuela on July 28. The popular promoted this initiative for the “defense of democracy in Venezuela” and with the aim of recognizing “the victory of Edmundo González”, who is now in Spain after the government granted him political asylum, but not as the elected president of Venezuela. PP, Vox, PNV Canary Coalition and UPN voted in favor of the proposal, while the PSOE, Sumar and the rest of the parties voted against. There was only one abstention, that of Jose Luis AbalosJunts did not participate in the vote, as its deputies left the chamber to return to Catalonia to participate in the separatist mobilizations called for the Diada.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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