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Palma City Council refuses to pay PSOE expenses because Hila forgets to pay her bills on time

He Palma Town Hall refuses to pay the PSOE’s expenses when the former socialist mayor José Hila forgets to adopt the bills for 2023. Faced with this unusual situation, the Socialist Municipal Group has denounced the council in court, which claim the 21,000 euros allocation that had been theirs since last year, the first six months when they were still governing the Balearic capital in coalition with the independentists of Més and Podemos, and the remaining six months when they were already in opposition.

Each political group represented in the plenary chamber receives an economic allocation for general expenses, the amount of which is proportional to the number of councillors obtained. In concrete terms, the sum amounts to 1,500 euros per year and per advisor, plus a fixed component of about 9,000 euros for each match.

Certain amounts collected in two annual half-yearly payments with invoices that must be justified, which the socialists did not do in 2023 either when they were governing or when they were in opposition, already at the height of laxity in terms of management.

The payment of municipal allowances is made half-yearly and in advance and the Failure to present the supporting document within the indicated time limit will result in suspension. of the disbursement to be received during the following semester.

As the treasurer explains in the report that excludes any payment to the socialists, the deadline had already passed. But, in addition, as the May elections had already taken place, the change of government and the dismissal of the councilors who made up the municipal group until these last elections, their successors in the plenary hall, even if they belong to the same party, “They are not entitled to claim the allowance for the first half of 2023,” which corresponded to the previous communal group, different from the current one.

Having lost the economic allocation in the first half of the year and once the elections were over and the move to the opposition confirmed, the organizational disarray of the Municipal Socialist Group He won whole numbers and went further.

On September 12, 2023, according to the municipal minutes which will serve as the basis for the defense before the courts of the Consistory, The City Council sent an email to the socialists of Palma in which he reminded them that in order to process the contribution related to the second half of the year, it was necessary submit, on time, the bank ownership certificatethat of be up to date with payment of their tax obligations towards Social Security and towards the City Hall itself, and of the remuneration system attributed to the party’s advisers.

Although there was time, as there were four months left to finish the year, it is not known whether this was due to the blow that the move to the opposition meant, Former Mayor José Hila’s March to the Senate and his refusal to run again as a candidate and the disruptions due to the loss of internal leadership, as of December 31, 2023, the PSOE of Palma had not presented the aforementioned documents necessary to be able to process the mission for the second half of 2023.

Specifically, the Socialist Municipal Group has not proven that it is up to date with the payment of its tax obligations, neither with Social Security nor with the Palma City Council itself, so it has lost the right to receive said allowance, thus not receiving a single euro of the 21,000 to which it was entitled in 2023. unusual situation that the courts will now have to resolvewhen the socialists filed a complaint against the Palma city council for having closed the tap on the municipal group’s operating expenses.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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