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Puigdemont does not clarify Junts’ vote on spending ceiling after meeting with PSOE in Switzerland

The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont responded this afternoon to the PP’s initiative to present a battery of social and economic initiatives with which this party will seek to obtain the support in the parliamentary process of groups such as the PNV or Junts, trying to dismantle the investiture bloc. Likewise, the leader of Junts has still not clarified the meaning of his party’s vote in relation to the spending ceiling after the meeting held yesterday in Switzerland with a delegation from the PSOE.

“It does not surprise me that with the media noise and the lack of rigor that often accompanies it, neither of us fully understands it. Our political vocation is not to ensure stability or to exhaust anyone. Our objective is to defend Catalonia and the interests of the Catalans, and whoever helps us will have our support, whether to govern or to oppose us; “Whoever does the opposite or who deceives us (or makes things difficult) does not count,” said the pro-independence leader, citing information from Ep on the PP’s intention to seek the support of the PNV and the Junts to exhaust Pedro Sánchez.

“In our case, it is not about ideological blockages or internal rivalries that the Spanish parties maintain. We do not want to participate in either, although some want to participate unconditionally. Nor to get involved,” added Puigdemont, without making any mention of the meeting he had yesterday in Geneva with a PSOE delegation led by its organizing secretary, Santos Cerdán.

At this meeting, the PSOE sought to reorient relations with Junts and to know the intentions of the independentists before the decisive vote in Congress next week. According to what Puigdemont explained today, the options are open. “Our vote on the spending ceiling will not be decided with a view to stabilization or exhaustion but rather according to what is on the negotiating table for this specific case.” It is clear that after yesterday’s meeting, the vote of the Junts is still pending.

The former Catalan president, in line with the tougher strategy towards the PSOE that they have been practicing since the investiture agreement of Salvador Illa reached between the PSC and the ERC, once again indicates that his support must be won file by file. “Everything has its negotiation and its objectives. And we must negotiate piece by piece. Agreeing on one issue does not prejudge that we will already agree on the next issue. And conversely: the fact that we do not agree on one does not presuppose that we will not agree on the next one either,” Puigdemont emphasizes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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