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“What belongs to each person is negotiated between all”

The leadership of the Popular Party underlines the “infinite institutional respect” of their regional presidents during their individual meetings with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. However, they insist: “Autonomous financing will not be decided during these meetings, but within the framework of a multilateral meeting of all presidents”. From Genoa, they defend the common strategy that their regional presidents maintain during the cycle of contacts with Sánchez.

The deputy economic secretary of the PP, Juan Bravo: “They have been summoned and they will be present, but they are clear, not talking about regional funding. Regional financing is negotiated multilaterally. “What belongs to each is negotiated between all.”

The PP’s motto is clear. For them, financing must be discussed jointly by all presidents, as requested by the secretary general of the popular parties, Cuca Gamarra: “The Conference of Presidents, the one he always talks about but never calls.”

Something that the population is demanding, but for now This does not fit into the government’s plans. However, the meetings of the last few days have been similar and the singular financing has been the protagonist. The president of the Council of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, assured after the meeting that “I was able to reconsider this decision and withdraw this initiative.” For his part, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, indicated that it is necessary to “cut the root of the possibility of singular agreements”.

The Galician and Andalusian presidents were the first. Today, the government of Juanma Moreno assures that the meeting as well It was just a “bet”. In the PP they believe that not everyone is treated the same and they highlight the differences with another meeting yesterday, with the lehendakari. With which they say the president gave more details.

Esther Muñoz, Assistant Secretary of Health and Education: “It is irresponsible for the Socialist Party just keep an eye out for partners who can keep you in power and abandon the rest of the citizens because they are governed by the PP.”

They nevertheless hope that these agreements will reach the Conference of Presidents.




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