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PSOE Castilla-La Mancha asks for “acclamation” for Page to continue leading the party

On January 18 and 19, the 13th Regional Congress of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha will be held, as approved by the Regional Committee of the party, whose leaders have requested “by acclamation” that Emiliano García-Page continue to lead.

“He was very cautious and did not speak out, but I can tell you that the acclamation and the request that we transmitted to the president to continue were unanimous, we do not conceive of any other option on the part of our general secretary,” assured Cristina Maestre, deputy secretary of the party in the region.

“More than 400 people” gathered at the celebration of the party’s Extraordinary Regional Committee.

Maestre stressed that the socialists “want to continue offering themselves to society as a solvent political project, the only one that offers solutions to citizens” of “social justice and equality,” he stressed, while affirming that “Our objective is to continue responding to the demands of citizens, but adapt our policies to new demands.

Likewise, when questioned by journalists about the debate on regional financing, Maestre affirmed that “our will is to guarantee the equality of the citizens of Castilla-La Mancha with respect to any other citizen of our country.”

A debate that “is not new” and that Page has always mentioned is that “to have equality, we must guarantee services, regardless of where we live” and that, he continued, “must crystallize in concrete measures.”

At this point, Maestre stressed that “the only party that has spoken here about fair financing to guarantee services to citizens and guarantee equality has been the PSOE.”

“When the PP came with the scissors to eliminate basic services, it did not talk about equality and financing, it did not care about financing. And now it seems that the PP is sticking to Emiliano García-Page’s wheel when it proposes fair financing,” he complained.

One issue, that of financing, which the socialist spokesperson is convinced will be addressed at the party’s federal congress, since it will be a question of “political debates that we will talk to you about, since the rest is not in question”.

“It is not in vain that we have the pride, and we say it with humility, but also with a feeling of gratitude on the part of all citizens, to be able to say that we have a strong leadership within the PSOE, to the President of the Spanish Government, to the President of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha and that, as it could not be otherwise, we trust in the middle management, in the senior executives and, of course, in the militancy so that these leaderships are renewed in the next party congresses,” he concluded.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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