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“Don’t play Feijóo’s choirboy”

The president of the Congress and general secretary of the Socialists of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, reiterates her visit and rally in Palma, specifying that she will remain at the head of the party for the 2027 elections, and on this occasion to belittle the president of the PP government, Marga Prohens, who largely beat her at the polls in the May 2023 elections. “Don’t act like Feijóo’s altar boy.”Armengol said.

“There is no need at all to act like Feijóo’s altar boy because this man cannot lead us to anything good,” he added, emphasizing the “convenience”, in his opinion, that The government “is focused on defending the interests of this Community.”

The highest paid politician in Spain, with a salary of 216,000 euros per year, brought together this Saturday the Political Council of his party to analyze the current political situation in the small plenary room of the UGT union in the Balearic capital.

Armengol, considered “an insult” that the Balearic Government renounce a bilateral debate on financing with the Spanish Government because “yes, there are things that, obviously, are of a multilateral nature, but in the case of the Balearic Islands, there are others that are of a bilateral nature, because the Spanish Constitution recognizes this community as a unique trait, which is insularityand that you always have to fight, because when you do that, that’s when things get done.

This is why he demanded that President Prohens “stop crouching” before the leader of the national PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo“defending the interests of the Popular Party” which, he reminded him, “are not those of the citizens of the Balearic Islands”, and which “acts once and for all as president of this autonomous community”.

Armengol assured that the government “does not work” and accused the PP of having, despite Vox’s unilateral decision to break the 110-point governability agreement, decided toor “embrace the speech” from this training “for fear that it would take away votes from him”.

According to the socialist, following the PP’s “fear” that “Vox will take away votes, because the extreme right is on the rise in many countries”, the party popular They are “capable of defend the most brutal and irrational policy This has never been seen before, as shown by the speeches they make on migration.

Other examples of why the government “doesn’t work,” according to Armengol, can be found in the roadswhere “it was necessary to put an end to the traffic jams and it is more congested than ever”, in the streets, where “in a year They broke social peacewith overwhelmingly demonstrations against the government’s management”, at the BOIB, where “All day long they stop and appoint positions”and in the sustainability pact where “dialogue tables have become monologues.”

Likewise, regarding the main problem of the citizens of the Balearic Islands, namely the lack of housing, the president of the Congress criticized the government for “wanting to continue manufacturing luxury chalets and selling them abroad”, which “is the usual PP policy, because they want to be the second home of Europe and because they defend the pockets of a few instead of the general interest.

In fact, Armengol focused on “the obvious uselessness of government”who “made public housing not live up to par, which is also ideological, because they don’t believe in public housing, but rather believe that housing is a speculative good.”

For Armengol, the PSIB-PSOE must take advantage of the Federal Congress “to set the course”, taking into account that “The socialists of the Balearic Islands have been at the forefront of many things, such as federal and plural Spain, fair financinghousing policies, environmental protection, and now it’s about defending all of this knowledge in federal presentations.

Faced with this important event for the future of the Socialist Party, the Secretary General claimed the 25th anniversary of the Progress Pact, from which she extracted two important messages. The first, “the need for unity of the left, of the progressive and democratic people because the adversary is great and has been fighting since the fake news, “aggression and personal destruction of the adversary to achieve power.” And the second, “the form and substance of politics, always keeping in mind that “The PSOE is the useful training to transform and improve people’s lives.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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