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Armengol calls PP “not very supportive” and encourages socialists to discuss “a federal Spain”

The general secretary of the PSIB, Francina Armengol, encouraged the socialists this Saturday to debate at the federal congress “a federal and more respectful of reality” and on the regional financing system which he considers as “a debate on the model of society”.

“Some say that an autonomous community like ours or like Catalonia, which asks more fiscal co-responsibility“Because we want to raise funds here and then be in solidarity as we have always been with the rest of Spain,” Armengol reproached during his opening speech at the PSIB-PSOE political council being held this Saturday in Palma.

“And some say that it is not favorable to want to be financially co-responsible and to tax the citizens who have the most in order to better distribute wealth, and they find that it is totally favorable to ask the Spanish government more money to forgive those who have more in your community autonomous taxes, which is what Ayuso, all the PP governments and the government of this autonomous community are doing,” he criticized the Balearic government.

Armengol believes that the debate on the regional financing system is about the “model of society” and if you want to “guarantee equal opportunities”.

The PSOE federal congress indicated that the time had come “thinking, rethinking ideas and proposing important questions” and drew attention to one of the issues that will be on the table: “If Spanish socialism is truly, and we have always been its spearhead, we are moving forward towards a federal state and a plurinational Spain that recognizes the reality of what we have because it makes our country and our coexistence better.”

The President of the Congress warned against “the external noise of those who are always the same and “They worship a centralist Spain”and stressed that today, the co-official languages ​​have been spoken in the Congress of Deputies for a year. “We have heard everything, that it would be chaos and that Spain would break up… and in all normality, we speak Catalan, Basque, Galician, Spanish and we understand each other, we respect each other and “We make the plural reality of Spain more visible”ensured the implementation of this measure.

Regarding the Balearic Islands, Armengol described it as an “insult” that the government does not want bilateral negotiations on the Balearic Islands. reform of the financing systemwhile the Statute of Autonomy establishes a bilateral financing commission between the State and the Balearic Islands, and the Constitution recognizes “a unique characteristic, which is insularity, and against which we must always fight,” he said.

The socialist leader warned that “the fact that the Balearic Islands say they do not care about the cancellation of their debt is a huge absurdity that This means sacrificing places in public schools, hospitals and social policy. He warned the president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, that “it is not at all necessary to act like a Feijóo choir girl” and demanded that she “stop crouching” before the leader of the national PP, defending the interests of the party and “start defending the interests of this autonomous community and act once and for all as president of the Balearic Islands.




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