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5 Reasons Why Combining Kitchen and Living Room Isn’t Always a Good Idea

The Open kitchens are numberedThere are compelling reasons why opening the kitchen to the living room is not a good plan, quite the contrary. Interior design experts know a lot about it, builders can also say what they think, but in the end, those who have the last word are those who live in the houses and directly suffer any construction or design error that will affect them in a negative way. way.

Time passes and life changes, no matter how much we want to escape the extra years and see incredible transformations, they end up arriving. In the case of the kitchen and the home, they are an essential part of our home, so we must start preparing for the worst in all respects. It is time to see what awaits us and how we can face it. Our home must follow those needs that we must take into account and that are those that serve as a basic element to be able to reinforce certain changes, which are those that will mark a before and after.

Open kitchens are no longer a trend

We watch American series, with these huge kitchens open to the living room, from where we can see everything. The hope of seeing the children while we cook, when in reality we are focused on some counters against the wall, disappears the first time you cook on it.

This idea that it will be good for the children is the same as, when you have guests, being able to cook and take care of them. They disappear as soon as you start to visualize that cooking when everyone is watching you or leaving your house smelling of croquettes and fried foods on important days is not pleasant at all.

People who have huge kitchens or who are seen beautiful on television or who have service staff who help them keep everything clean or who have someone who can help them so that the house is in order. Nowadays, we even want to hide the coffee maker, so that we can put the cup and the coffee and forget that we have ever cooked in that place. So, in the end, we must keep in mind that this kitchen must be inhabited and used.

Reasons why opening the kitchen to the living room is not always a good idea

THE Open kitchens don’t suit everyoneWe see them on TV, but in real life, if you have to do some work to achieve them, it will cost you a good amount of money. Even if you want a bigger kitchen or a bigger house, size isn’t always everything.

A misplaced glass or on days when the dishwasher is full, you have guests and you don’t feel like doing the dishes, you can see them in the sink with everything on the countertops. That is, either you have a huge capacity to clean every day at all hours, or very tidy children, or someone helps you, otherwise your house will look even messier.

The only solution for your open kitchen not to look like chaos is to have plenty of cabinets in which to store everything. With this, your kitchen will look like an interstellar ship, forget about open shelves or few furniture, if you are in a mess, it would be better to leave everything closed.

The smells will reach the couch and the whole house, you need to opt for a good extractor hood. If you cook a lot, be careful what you put in it. You can take fried foods or fish all week, especially if you don’t like your house to smell bad. You better start preparing for the worst in every way possible.

If you have enough space to cook and enough light to be able to wake up with energy every morning while making coffee or having it in the same kitchen, take advantage of it. A little privacy never hurts, being able to close the kitchen, have a coffee or tea, without having to listen to the children watching TV or the latest motorcycle competition, is always a little pleasure.

Rather than having an open kitchen to the living room, look for other options or a kitchen with a terrace. The barbecue is a way to avoid odors at home and to be able to enjoy friends and family without making a mess inside. An option that will facilitate your visa and will not complicate it for you. Each house is a world and whether it is a trend or not, you must decide if that open kitchen you see on television is right for you or not.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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