Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 1:08 am
HomeTop Storiesfrom businesses reduced to ashes to families watching their homes burn

from businesses reduced to ashes to families watching their homes burn

In Portugal, the rains have helped to extinguish the last remaining fires that They devastated more than 120,000 hectares and left five dead last week. The damage prompted the government to declare a state of calamity in the affected municipalities.

A fire that, in addition to affecting the Portuguese territory, has devastated the businesses and homes of the inhabitants of the surrounding area. One of them is Raquel’s. “There were 5 motorhomes here. My husband did RV work and RV repairs. “I saw everything burn.” “I started crying and yelling at the firefighters.”

Although it was in charge of cooling the area to avoid the tragic end of the last few days, the fire came from the mountain with great force, destroying everything in its path. Material damage, which in this case amounts to more than 100,000 euros.

They are not the only ones. Another company was also ravaged by the flames.Here everything is destroyed. I didn’t see any firefighters. “I only saw neighbors throwing water.” Although there were a few, like José, who managed to save his house, located right next to his furniture factory.

However, luck did not smile on everyone. Other houses were reduced to ashes, from the kitchen to the living room. “The house burned down, we lost the animals, the car, I lost my whole life here”. A life that they will now have to start from scratch.




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