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Venezuela calls the latest report of the United Nations mission in the country “pamphleteering” and “vulgar.”

The Venezuelan government called this Friday a “Pamphleteering” and “vulgar” the latest report of the United Nations missionwhich he considers “illegitimate”, which monitors the situation in the country regarding the alleged human rights violations committed by the Chavista authorities.

“Venezuela categorically rejects the presentation before the United Nations Human Rights Council of the vulgar and pamphleteering report, drafted by an illegitimate, politicized and ideologized mission,” the document states. The Foreign Ministry claims that this mission was created by the “Lima Group cartel of failed governments “An organization created in 2017 to seek a solution to the Venezuelan crisis -” with the sole objective of “carrying out orders” from Washington.

Likewise, he stressed that missions like this show the “erratic drift” of the United Nations organizations, becoming instruments of “coercion and blackmail”, incapable, on the other hand, of responding to “real actions against humanity such as the genocide in Palestine applied by the State of Israel.”

The Foreign Ministry also criticized the fact that, despite the complaints it has filed with the United Nations about assassination attempts against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and other government officials, these organizations seem more attentive to “obtain approval from the United States”.

“The shame presented by the illegitimate mission seeks to transform the victims of fascism and the Venezuelan extreme right into executioners, ignoring the actions of the so-called “terrorist commanders” who murdered 27 Venezuelans and caused damage to health and security facilities,” he denounced.

The report presented this week examines the situation of human rights and freedoms in Venezuela from December 2023 to March 2024, concluding that the Maduro government has created a “climate of fear” in the country, after “significantly” intensifying the persecution of dissent.

Later, the ministry said in a statement that Maduro had “a friendly and fraternal conversation” by telephone with UN Secretary-General António Guterres, to whom he detailed “the attempts at destabilization and the plots promoted from US territory.” and “supported by Latin American and European far-right extremism”.

Machado asks to continue pressure against Maduro

For her part, the opponent María Corina Machado encouraged this Friday to follow the presentation of the main conclusions of the report that the Council of Human Rights of the United Nations holds to know “in all its letters”, she said, “brutal repression by Maduro and his regime”.

Maduro remains naked before the world (…) Everyone already knows the very serious systematic practices of the regime, which constitute crimes against humanity,” he said in a message through his X account. In another series of messages from the Vente Venezuela profile of the aforementioned social network, Machado thanked the experts of this mission for the “valuable and urgent report” they prepared.

After listing the alleged attacks that the government allegedly committed after the July 28 elections, the opposition leader called on the international community to continue supporting Venezuelans, including those in need of asylum, and to renew the mandate of this mission. “We Venezuelans need your support. Listen to our call and implement the mandate of the international standards that you protect,” he said.




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