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HomeLatest NewsPSOE and Vox join forces to block the 2023 general account in...

PSOE and Vox join forces to block the 2023 general account in El Casar

In a surprising political move, Vox has decided to ally itself with the PSOE in the Casar Town Hall to block the work of the government team, of which they are a part, voting against the approval of the General Account corresponding to the 2023 financial year.

This fact marks a before and after in the municipality, since it is the first time in recent history that the General Account is not approved, despite a favorable report from the Intervention and being a document without political tone, since it records the movements of municipal expenses and income, like a bank statement.

“The General Account, prepared with the greatest rigor and professionalism by the managers of the economic team, reflects in detail the financial situation of the municipality, the execution of the budget and all accounting movements of income and expenditure for the financial year 2023“, underlines the government team of the El Casar City Hall in a press release.

These officials, as they point out, have followed “scrupulously” the formally and legally established procedures, “to guarantee the transparency and clarity” of the municipal accounts. “It is difficult to understand the position of the PSOE, since the General Account includes the first half of 2023, managed by the previous government team under its responsibility. In addition, the budget that supports said account was approved by its mandate, which makes its vote against it an obvious contradiction and an intention to block management with Vox,” they say.

“Some groups have alleged the lack of time to review the general account, but this fact is surprising, because in June, the entire The 2023 budget establishment report and the general account were published on July 1, 2024 in the Official Journal of the Province.“So all political groups have had more than two months to analyse and, in any case, to make their contributions,” they say.

It should be noted that the government team, formed by PP, VOX and Contigo, maintained its responsibility when presenting the General Account, to transmit it to the Court of Auditors, “even if unfortunately Vox, together with the PSOE, decided to vote against without alleging any specific cause during the plenary session that would justify their position”, they recall.

He Mayor, José Luis González Lamolaexpressed his surprise at this turn of events through Vox and called for the responsibility of this political formation towards its neighbors, regretting that in the municipality where they govern, “instead of working and doing it rigorously as members of the government team”, they are dedicated to confusing and complicating governability, in collaboration with the PSOE.” That is why he urges political groups to put aside “their partisan and personal interests and focus on the true interests of our neighbors.” “The proper functioning of the city council and the transparency of public management must be the priority over any political calculation or the lies in which we have unfortunately been involved in recent times,” he concludes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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