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HomeBreaking NewsDuring scientific archaeological excavations in "Keshikchidag" many samples were discovered.

During scientific archaeological excavations in “Keshikchidag” many samples were discovered.

From August 25 to October 5, 2024, with the joint organization of the State Service for the Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, senior researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS, associate professor Shamil Najafov, Ph.D. The project “Scientific-archaeological excavations and summer school 4 in Keshikchidag” is being implemented under the leadership of

APA reports that this year’s excavations are being carried out in the mound tombs in the Karvan Valley area of ​​the Jeyranchol Plain. The area is a flat area with dense low-lying vegetation, open-sloping hills, and in some places shallow ravines were formed due to the strong flow of rain and flooding. 90% of the territory is visible to the naked eye and archaeological monuments (mainly mounds) can be observed from afar. The surface of the field has a relief structure. In parallel, excavations are being carried out in 3 monument mounds. In the area, 4 mounds were recorded in close proximity to each other. One of them was excavated in previous years. This year, excavation of the remaining three monumental mounds is being carried out. The mounds are located at a distance of 10 to 40 meters.

Mound number 1 had a diameter of 21 meters and its edge was surrounded by a 60-centimeter-wide cromlech made of medium-sized river stones. The top gravel soil cover of the mound with a height of 2.2 meters was removed and in the center a burial chamber was discovered beneath the mound. The mound chamber was built in a north-south direction. From the central burial chamber of the mound, discovered at a depth of 1.65 meters, jaw bones and teeth, four pieces of Scythian-type arrowheads, parts of a bracelet with a bronze cross section and fragments of pottery were found. These finds, representing classical Scythian arrowheads, have three points (three wings) and a tube for transporting them to a wooden stand. There is a protrusion just above the part that attaches to the handle. Remains of a wooden stand were found inside one of them. An additional burial chamber was discovered near the eastern foot of the mound. In the chamber, which was discovered at a depth of 1 metre from the mound cover, slabs made of large, partially hewn rock stones were placed. Parts of a human skeleton were found at a depth of about 1.4 metres.

Mound No. 2 has an interesting structure. Its diameter is 32 meters and its height is 2 meters. The top of the mound is built entirely of medium-sized river stones and has a very dense stone cover. In the center, the thickness of this cover reaches 2 meters. The central part of the chamber has a sunken circular shape due to the collapse of stones. The skirt of the Kurgan cromlech is 2 meters wide. The burial chamber under the kurgan was discovered at a depth of 2.5 meters, it was excavated from large-sized rock stones and partially carved and smoothed slabs were placed on it. The burial chamber was built in a north-south direction. Parts of a human skeleton (mainly thigh and arm bones) and fragments of pottery were found in the underground burial chamber. Due to the very thick stone cover and the weight of the stones, the pottery was crushed and broken.

Mound No. 3 is an earthen mound. The height of the upper cover is 1 meter above the modern ground surface. The diameter of the mound is 6 meters. During excavations, after removing the cover of the mound, a burial chamber was discovered in the center. Partially hewn stones of heavy stones, 20 to 30 centimeters thick and sometimes 1.5 to 2 meters long, are placed on top of the burial chamber.

It should be noted that the main goal of the project is the preservation and promotion of historical and cultural heritage, the improvement of historical knowledge, the involvement of the young generation in the preservation of cultural heritage, the development of professional skills of young archaeologists and the acquisition of skills of cultural volunteers to conduct excavations and archaeological field work. In addition, the project can be considered as a preparatory course for future historians, archaeologists, tourists and geographers.

The project involved young volunteers, history teachers, students and teachers of the Kazakh branch of Baku State University, Karabakh University, the Kazakh Center of ADA University, students of the Kazakh State Socio-Economic School, guardians of monuments, employees of History and Geography museums and regional intellectuals.

The project is continuing successfully and results have already been achieved. During the archaeological excavations carried out in the Karvan Valley burial mounds, Scythian arrowheads, fish ears and paste beads, samples of pottery and cooked animal bones were discovered. Among these finds are ceramic products made of bronze and probably belonging to the Khojaly-Gadabey culture, and of particular interest is a Scythian arrowhead from the 7th century.

After that, the project is expected to continue successfully and achieve valuable results.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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