Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:52 am
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The world of culture unites so that the memory of people with Alzheimer’s disease is not forgotten

As the movie “Still Alice” says in one of its dialogues: “Sometimes I see the words hanging in front of me and I can’t reach them. I don’t know who I am and I don’t know what I am.” I will lose then.” This is the cruelty of a disease that movies have depicted many times. “I have Alzheimer’s disease”is collected in another excerpt from the feature film.

Like cinema, others artistic disciplines contribute to contributing so that those who suffer from it, as well as their memories, do not fall into oblivion. Carmen Ibeas, actress and producer of “Aquellas migas de pan”: “When you go to see a play or a movie, you have that hour or hour and a half in the dark to focus only on that story.”

East on the boards like Carmen, with ‘Aquellas migas de pan’, tries to touch the viewer and make them aware of Alzheimer’s disease: “They are relieved to talk to the viewers next door and sometimes they advise each other: ‘How did you experience this? How did you experience it?’ Has a family member helped you?’ And these are magical moments.”

Blais Peri, producer of the short film “Alzheimer”, welcomed poetry to find answers “and to reflect on various social issues through cinema and poetry”. And Iván Fuentes, director of the short film, managed to transform these feelings: “The real challenge was to transform these beautiful verses, which are something abstract, in image”.

And that was the paint who, in a way, He saved Ana from illness. José Luis, her husband, emphasizes: “He had a three-year neuronal death and we managed to double it at six years old.” She was diagnosed with the genetic disease Alzheimer’s at only 39 years old. But brushstroke after brushstroke, he was able to capture her feelings, her vitality. José Luis explains that “for her, painting is feeling alive, useful.” So, even if she no longer remembers him, his legacy, like his example, will remain forever.




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