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Oriol Junqueras pledges to “save and save” the ERC with Elisenda Alamany as Secretary General

ERC presidential candidate Oriol Junqueras pledged to “save and rescue” the ERC to put it back “at the service of society“, with the current president of the municipal group of Barcelona, Elisenda Alamanywhom he chose as secretary general.

This was highlighted during the presentation event this Saturday at the Teatro de la Passió d’Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) of “Militància Decidim”, the candidacy supported by Junqueras to take over the leadership of the ERC, which was also attended by figures such as leader Raül Romeva and MEP Diana Riba.

Junqueras pledged to “save and save” the ERC after the “shame” felt due to the existence of “parallel bodies” outside the officers of the formation itself, which served to organize false flag campaigns, such as that of the Alzheimer’s posters against the brothers Ernest and Pasqual Maragall.




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