Monday, September 23, 2024 - 1:49 am
HomeLatest NewsCesar Rendueles: Community or Barbarism

Cesar Rendueles: Community or Barbarism

Post-capitalism wants us to be divided. We must continue to produce. Let us fight for water, land and air. Let us raise fences, dig ditches, build walls. Let us blame everything on the State and commit collective suicide when it fails. Let us choose each for himself. Let us be wary. Why do we obey?

It’s not an easy question. But it’s the one we’ve chosen to inaugurate a new section of difficult questions, complex answers, emancipatory ideas and possible theories: “Think hard.”

And if there is someone who has been there for years, decades! thinking very seriously about inequalities, plundering, digital utopias and other monsters is Cesar Renduelesphilosopher, sociologist and essayist, author of books such as “Rogue Capitalism” or “Sociophobia”, who in his latest essay “Comuntopía: Comunes, postcapitalismo y ecosocial transition” (Editorial Akal) continues his tireless search for a post-capitalist future and in which he proposes how collective governance can be the only possible tool in a horizon of inequality, scarcity and ecological crisis.

A program in which we say goodbye to people who, precisely, have come together to think seriously, and with a great objective: to find a way to live better. Carlos Entenza, Angel Muelas are co-directors of Ideas at wara young think tank that wants to build new collective imaginations in favor of social change to “stop fighting the battles of the last century and start winning those of the first half of the 21st century.”

Find all the audios of the COMPLETE PROGRAMS here.

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Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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