Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 4:54 am
HomeIsrael's longest border is also under threat: experts

Israel’s longest border is also under threat: experts

The border between Israel and Jordan, long considered one of the safest and most peaceful, is under threat. The attack on the Allenby Pass, in which a terrorist killed three Israelis, was a wake-up call that peace along the border could be broken. Despite a peace agreement signed almost 30 years ago and security cooperation, the situation in the region is increasingly tense.

Globe reports this.

One of the factors exacerbating tensions is the strengthening of radical Islamic forces in Jordan. In the last elections, the Islamic Action Front party, which supports the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, won the largest number of seats in parliament. This indicates the growing influence of Islamists, which worries Israel. Dr. Ido Zalkovich noted that despite the formal peace agreement, a significant part of the Jordanian population still views Israel as an enemy. In addition, polls show that a majority of Jordanians oppose normalizing relations with Israel, which complicates the development of diplomatic and economic ties.

Experts point out that in a context of increasing radicalisation, Iran plays a special role. The country is actively working behind the scenes to destabilise Jordan. Iran supports armed groups in Jordan and seeks to promote its interests through religious and political networks. According to Professor Ronan Yitzhak, Iranian forces are using Jordan’s economic difficulties to strengthen their position by spreading Shiism among the local Sunni population.

However, despite the rise of Islamist forces and external pressure, the situation in Jordan remains under the control of the royal authorities.

As Professor Yehoshua Krasna noted, the Jordanian parliament has no significant influence on actual political decisions, which remain in the hands of the king. However, there is a rise in radical sentiment, which Dr. Michael Barak says is expressed in calls to boycott Israeli products and increased anti-Semitic rhetoric in the press.

Thus, Israel’s eastern border, which remained calm for many years, is once again becoming a zone of tension. Radicalisation in Jordan and Iranian influence pose a new threat to the security of the region and require diplomatic attention and efforts to maintain stability.

Previously, Cursor reported that the Al-Khuitat clan sent a letter of gratitude to the King of Jordan.

The clan’s message says the terrorist who attacked the Allenby checkpoint “died for a good cause.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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