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STATEMENT by the Ministry of Defense on the serious minibus accident in Kurdamir

The Association of Territorial Medical Unit Management (TABIB) has released information about the injured during the road accident in Kurdamir.

by TABIB Oku.AzSix people (four men and two women) who were injured as a result of the incident were reportedly admitted to Kurdamir District Central Hospital at 2:30 p.m.

“One of them, a man born in 1980, was admitted to the Surgical Department of Kurdamir District Central Hospital with a diagnosis of a displaced open fracture of the middle third of the right tibia. His condition is considered moderate-serious,” the report said.

It should be noted that other people who suffered various injuries were discharged for outpatient treatment after receiving the necessary medical care.

A VAZ-2107 car with state registration number 99-NG-311, driven by Ramal Bashirov, a resident of Kurdamir district, collided with a minibus “Mercedes” with state registration number 99-RA-093, driven by Davud Jamilzade, a resident of Baku city.

About this Oku.AzAt the request of the official of the State Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Police Lieutenant Colonel Mubariz Agayev he said in response.

He said the incident occurred today at 1:58 p.m.

The Interior Ministry official added that Ramal Bashirov, as well as Rafiyev, the son of Subhan Shahin, and Allahverdiyev, the son of Teyyub Miraddin, who were travelling in the minibus, were injured as a result of the accident.

Police and other agency employees were involved at the scene of the incident and an investigation is ongoing.

The identities of those injured in the serious accident in Kurdamir have been revealed.

Yukhari Shirvan’s “Inform” office reports that the injured are as follows:

– Teyyub Nureddin oglu Allahverdiyev, born 1952,

– Haqikat Abdulhamid gizi Huseynova, born 1957,

– Ziyafat Zakariyya gizi Mammadova, born in 1978,

– Ramal Vagif oghlu Bashirov, born in 1980,

– Vasif Huseyn oglu Huseynov, born in 1991,

– Rafiyev, son of Subhan Sahin, born in 1999,

– Zarifa Zahid gizi Mammadova, born in 2004.

A serious traffic accident occurred in Kurdamir.

Oku.Az reports that the incident took place on the section of the Baku-Alat-Georgia border highway that passes through the village of Sığirli in the region.

A Mercedes minibus crashed in the accident.

There is no information on deaths or injuries as a result of the incident.

Traffic police officers and an emergency medical team attended the scene.

We present images from the accident site:


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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