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HomeBreaking NewsMocejón's confessed killer transferred to Segovia prison

Mocejón’s confessed killer transferred to Segovia prison

News about the notorious crime of Mocejon. Juan, the alleged murderer of little Mateo He was transferred from Ocaña I prison to Segovia prison.

This was confirmed to this newspaper by sources from the Professional Association of Prison Officers, from where they also specified that The transfer took place last Monday and that this was motivated because the Castilian and Leonese penitentiary center has a psychiatric module.

Apparently, the 20-year-old suffers from psychiatric disorders and the judge indicated that it was preferable for him to be transferred to a prison with a psychiatric module, taking into account his psychological characteristics.

Mateo’s confessed killer was incarcerated a week ago in the Toledo prison, in Ocaña, in the nursing module. As has emerged in recent days, he arrived there disoriented, without knowing who he was or where he was. In addition, shortly after his admission, the penitentiary institutions activated the suicide prevention protocol, So another prisoner was assigned to watch the young man to prevent him from trying to harm himself.

In the meantime, the investigation remains open. In fact, the Civil Guard continues the investigations to clarify the crime, analyzing the clothes seized from the young man, as well as the knife found in town and that it could be the alleged murder weapon with which the 11-year-old boy could have been murdered on the Mocejón football field.

The crime took place last Sunday, August 18, when, apparently, the alleged murderer He stabbed Mateo up to 12 times while he was playing with his friends, a few hours later when he confessed his guilt.

However, it was only on Thursday 22 that the Instruction Court number 3 of Toledo ordered the entry into Jail reported and no bail of the minor’s confessed murderer. Today, he was transferred to a prison so that he could receive more specialized care.




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