Home Entertainment News “We do not deserve a government that acts like a criminal organization”

“We do not deserve a government that acts like a criminal organization”

“We do not deserve a government that acts like a criminal organization”

Eduardo Inda, director of OKDIARIO, addresses Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, and other members of the Executive after Víctor de Aldama, brain of the Koldo Fieldwill point out the president and ministers. “Aldama did not disappoint. It met expectations, the script and was faithful to what we reproduced on the cover”, says Inda, referring to the news that opened this newspaper. “If I speak, the PSOE falls”, in the words of Aldama himself.

Inda refers to Aldama’s statement before the judge Ishmael Serrano in the National Court. “He pulled the cover in true Luis Roldán style. Víctor de Aldama declared that he paid commissions to all members of the Socialist Party. HAS Jose Luis Abalos when he was de facto number 2 in the party, facing Santos Cerdán, number 3 in the organization. To Koldo Garcia. Ángel Víctor Torres also asked him for 50,000 euros,” lists Inda.

Furthermore, the director of this newspaper emphasizes that in his statement, the commissioner states that “he went to the famous La Latina gathering convened by Pedro Sanchez to thank you for the services rendered. Inda also remembers the many scandals surrounding Sánchez. “The wife of the president of the government, Begoña Gómez, is charged four times. His brother is also accused of corruption. Very prominent members of the Socialist Party used cocaine and prostituted themselves with public money in this case Tito Berni. “We could continue until tomorrow,” recalls the director of OKDIARIO.

India underlines, in conclusion, that all this “demonstrates beyond all reasonable doubt that the Socialist Party Pedro Sánchez is a criminal organization. And he ends by paraphrasing Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba: “We Spaniards do not deserve a government that acts like a criminal organization.


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