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HomeLatest NewsThe new urban plan of Cordoba will revitalize the VPO of Cordel...

The new urban plan of Cordoba will revitalize the VPO of Cordel de Écija and the city of Levante

Next week, the City Council of Córdoba will take the first firm steps towards the development and approval (in three years) of a new urban plan for the city, which will replace the one in force since 2001, and which will serve to respond to the new challenges which the capital is facing, according to criteria of social, environmental and economic sustainability.

There are several strategic axes which structure the future General Plan for Communal Development (PGOM) of Cordoba, but, among them, the accommodation as a priority.

In this sense, the emphasis is on a “rational and efficient” occupation of the territory, which will allow to combine sustainable growth and the requalification of urban planning, which integrates environmental criteria.

THE sheltered housing They play a priority role in the future of Cordoba. This is at least the objective of the PGOM, which once again aims to revitalize VPO exchanges in the Cordel of Ecija (whose urban transformation is conceived as a unitary action) and the City of the Levant (whose particular management model will redefine the PGOM).

As for Cordel de Écija, these plots of land belonging to the Government of Andalusia, located on the left bank of the Guadalquivir River, are awaiting auction. In total, they total 44,000 square meters, with capacity to accommodate approximately 2,000 homeswith its mandatory reservation for protected properties.

The complexity of this project lies in the fact that only the proposals for the acquisition of the full block (44,000 square meters), although the Council’s land is distributed across three special interior renovation plans. Although Ubrique businessman José Luis López, known as “El Turronero”, through LR21, expressed interest in taking over the residential and commercial project left by LAR before the pandemic, he finally did not show up for auction which was held last May.

As for the City of the LevantThe said urban planning project was already envisaged in the previous PGOU. Now they want to take it back and it will be the new PGOM that will establish the percentage of residential buildability for its use as social housing. Initially, the idea was to raise approximately 1,200 VPO private promotion.

Beyond protected habitat, the future PGOM also sets, a priori, four other notable specific objectives: the creation and expansion of logistics and industrial parks; solving the problem of illegal plots; building more public parking spaces and achieving a more coherent city with actions such as building a new bridge over the Guadalquivir River.

As announced this week by Mayor José María Bellido, productive activity is the protagonist of the urban-territorial model of Córdoba. In this sense, the PGOM proposes the maintenance, improvement, regeneration and renewal of the existing industrial zonesas well as the identification of areas where new logistics parks can be created. One of them could be the expansion of La Rinconada, which has not yet been carried out next to the land where the army’s logistics base is already under construction. This would be the second phase of this macroproject that would provide an additional two million square meters that would be carried out under a public-private model.

The urban planning scheme also aims to solve the problem of irregular buildings“identify the irregular groups of buildings existing on the rustic terrain [parcelas ilegales]by delimiting them and analyzing their compatibility with the adopted urban planning model, by evaluating the opportunity to integrate into said model certain irregular urban agglomerations recognized as such.

There is a thirty illegal packagesaccording to the PGOU of 2001, which could be regularized, but during all this time, only Cuevas de Altázar has achieved this.

No more public parking

The PGOM also wants to build a new bridge over the Guadalquivir River in the extension of Motril Street for the urban cohesion of the river, a project that the PP presented in the 28-M elections, which would serve to “sew” the southern district with the city. The infrastructure would have dimensions of 350 meters long by 23 wide; two lanes, one in each direction, and also double paved.

Finally, the document that will be presented on Tuesday to the Urban Planning Steering Council also aims to expand the network of public parking lots; In this sense, they want to recover the one in Colón, next to the Jardines de la Merced, under the boulevard of the bus stops. At the time, there was talk of 400 places. Bellido defended him during his 2019 candidacy and in September 2022 he spoke about him again, although it did not come to fruition and now he is looking for his place in the PGOM again.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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