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HomeLatest NewsThese are the cities with “baby checks” in 2024

These are the cities with “baby checks” in 2024

Every year fewer Cordovan people are born. The decline in the birth rate has become a trend that has been ongoing for several years. The latest data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) corroborate this. In the first seven months of 2015, 4,106 children were born in the province, compared to 3,978 in 2016; 3,754 in 2017; 3,559 births in 2018; 3,478 in 2019 and 3,424 in 2020. In 2021, this figure remained at 3,318; in 2022, it fell to 3,199; and in 2023, to 3,110, reaching 3,074 this year.

The smallest number of newborns bleeds mainly in the municipalities with lower populationin which demographic aging is increasing, to which the exodus of the younger population towards the large provincial capitals also contributes.

For this reason, many localities have launched financial aid program to new parents or adopters registered in their municipalities. These are the benefits in force for this 2024 financial year and the municipalities in which they are granted.

Provincial Council aid: 600 euros per child in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants

The provincial institution published on July 10 in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) a financial assistance program for birth and/or adoption for residents of municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, ELAs and villages in the province of Córdoba, which can be requested until November 11. The amount granted for each benefit is 600 eurosin a single payment and is made in the order in which applications are received.

The conditions are that the minor’s address matches that of the beneficiary, that he lives with the minor and that he is registered for at least one year before birth or adoption in the locality of less than 5,000 inhabitants, and that the birth occurred between November 1, 2023 and October 31, 2024.

Priego of Cordoba

The municipality of Priego de Córdoba is one of the largest cities whose City Council has started working on the implementation of measures to stop depopulation and promote birth. Thus, families from Prieguense and villages born or adopted between November 1, 2023 and October 31, 2024 will be able to apply financial aid of 150 euros per child until November 11, 2024.

The total budget for this initiative is 15,000 euros. Applications can be submitted via the information office or via the electronic headquarters of the town hall.


Last May, the Hornachuelos City Council also launched a check for 400 euros for each family that has had a child and partially alleviate the expenses related to the arrival of a new member in the family.

In this case, the beneficiaries are any mother or father who has had or adopted a child. in 2023or guardian with parental authority, in the event of the death of the parents. Applicants must be Spanish or have legal residence.

The highest amount is the Provincial Council allowance, which amounts to 600 euros.

Another requirement is that parents or guardians must be registered in the municipality of Hornachuelos at the time of the application and at least 12 months before the birth or the start of cohabitation in the case of adoption, of the child for whom assistance is requested.

The baby must also be registered at the applicant’s address at the time of application and in the event of adoption it will be an essential condition that the adoptee is minor.


Pedroche, with less than 1,500 inhabitants, also offers assistance to parents who reside in the municipality, a benefit that is added to that of the Foral Deputation. In the case of the Consistory control, mothers, fathers and adoptive parents can be beneficiaries of the aid. have offspring in 2024 (from January 1st of this year).

And what are the essential conditions? Actually reside in Pedroche and at least one of the parents/adopters must have been registered in the municipality for one year before the birth or adoption of the child. In addition, the child for whom assistance is requested must be registered in Pedroche.

The aid consists of a nominative check “the amount of which must be justified by the presentation of invoices and/or proof of purchase of baby products,” the appeal specifies. The deadline for filing is 2 months from the birth or adoption and an amount of 500 euros per year for 3 years.

A street in Pozoblanco



The Pozoblanco Town Hall, with 144 fewer inhabitants in one yearaccording to its latest census, has also started its feat against depopulation and has set aside a sum to help parents who have had or will have children (adoptions are also included) throughout this year 2024. Applications can be submitted until January 31, 2025

Concretely, it will grant 500 euros per child in a single payment to purchase baby products in Pozoblanco establishments.


Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo is another of the towns that is seeing its number of neighbors decrease. To prevent this trend from continuing to increase and to try to stop the loss of population, the City Council has launched an appeal for financial aid for births that occur during this year 2024.

The benefits are structured on two levels. On the one hand, they will be assigned 300 euros by birth to families who find themselves in a situation of social or economic vulnerabilityfor which they must have a favourable report from the social policy department. On the other hand, they will be awarded 150 euros by birth in other families in the city.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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