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Victim of Leganés squatter on hunger strike after eviction cancelled for fourth time

Jesús Jordán and Lyda Trujillo cannot help but be surprised. Court number 7 of Leganés has once again suspended the expulsion of the unrest they have been fighting against for three years. His despair is such that he will begin a hunger strike from October 5. His wife, in conversation with ABC, says that he has suffered a very serious setback as a result of the latest order, which, in addition, is written with notable irony towards the victims of this situation. Jesus has thought about suicide on several occasions and all this even affects the emotional stability of his marriage.

This newspaper reported on August 9 the ordeal that the woman who has been renting for 40 months what was the couple’s main residence, an apartment of about 50 square meters in the Plaza de Extremadura, in the municipality of Pepinero, for which they paid 145,000 euros twenty years ago, has been subjected to. They moved to a town in Toledo, Numancia de la Sagra, and they hoped that the apartment in question would be the inheritance of their only son, who is now starting his university career. A month ago, three court decisions were in her favor, but also three postponed launches: the social services of the Leganés City Council insist that the defaulter is in a “vulnerable economic situation.”

In this last appeal to the courts, he confirmed a payroll of 2,600 euros. Jesus and Lyda are literally broke. She no longer works after several operations on her spine, full of screws; He is a machine operator and it goes without saying that his salary is not close to that of the squatter. Both are or have been under psychopharmacological treatment, suffering from depression and anxiety.

Fumilayo Guadalupe JS, a 35-year-old Canarian of Guinean origin who is, among other things, a writer, owes them around 15,000 euros, only in unpaid rent, at a rate of 550 euros per month. The legitimate owners pay 750 for the mortgage, expenses, community, IBI, home insurance, garbage rate… In other words, not only do they not earn, but they are left with red figures.

And so they will continue, because this September 18 the new launch was dated, but two days before the judge requested a new report on the social risk of leaving the accused, her two children and other relatives she involved in the street. Well, on September 16, the magistrate issued a new order whose content is not useless, not only because of its resolution, but also because of the way it is transcribed. For now, it is decided that the process is suspended until December 31 and only on that date will the parties be able to resume it.

The document reads: “The reporting station was convened and it was decided to make the dialogue uncomfortable, since the complainant [Jesús y Lyda] sets out facts that, if proven, would suggest that, when assessing vulnerability, the lessors’ vulnerability was perhaps greater. Even though this analysis is not clearly requested. The dress continues: “But there is a problem: these are only allegations. For a long time, the doors have been open for people to bring what the complainant considers. Today it was different. But nothing at all. “Yes, the owners consider that the tenant lives with someone who contributes to the expenses, that the eldest daughter must do so too, that she earns more than two thousand euros and that she is a famous writer with a notable income”, he reproaches the owners.

“It’s vulnerable”

“But even the income tax return does not aim to be able to presume this; We do not know who this couple is or if there is one or if they contribute; nor does he earn two thousand euros, because it was the extra month – the judge says -, in addition to a contract that ended in July and now he is unemployed, without benefits; nor if the eldest daughter had to work; nor how much he earns from selling books. Nothing, just an opinion, an opinion that must be confronted with a report that assures that the tenant is vulnerable. We insist, we tried to deepen the words of the municipal technician, discussing her working method. Thanks to this, what initially seemed did not happen later.

Lyda remembers that at no time did they speak of a daughter of the squatter, but rather of an adult niece, but the instructor continues his “quarrel” with the people involved: “Because what they tell me is not what I say and I write what I read in the systems, but rather I report what I consider after evaluating the sources of information that are offered to me, mainly the person’s statements and public records. This is how he concludes that, despite everything, “the tenant must be considered vulnerable”, and suspends the eviction.

Lyda and Jesús will go at the beginning of the month to have him tested and on October 5th they will begin a hunger strike. They don’t know where to turn: “We are worse than ever. That’s why there is a hunger strike; And if something happens to my husband, I will continue the strike and I hope that nothing serious happens to his health, because they will become murderers. “We are not going to allow them to continue trampling on us and expropriating our apartment.”

The couple, who are neither big property owners nor wealthy, find themselves without their life savings. “We live only on my salary,” adds Jesús: “Our son is now starting university. We paid 1,200 euros for the registration. This apartment was going to be for him, so that he could live there and not have to take the A-42 every day, which is a hellish road, to get to Complutense. The psychological burden is unbearable, I couldn’t leave the house. “We are devastated.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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