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HomeBreaking NewsThe important thing is not the audience, it's the advertising!

The important thing is not the audience, it’s the advertising!

Spain is no longer divided between those who like potato omelette with or without onion. Now, The average citizen is torn between Pablo Motos or David Broncano. Ask Minister Oscar Puente, who Gemma Nierga asked about these two issues during the premiere of 59 seconds from TVE.

It is the television reflection of what is experienced day after day on social networks and of this idea that seeks to implant in the collective imagination one more reason for division and divergence in politics. They thus identify the “conservatives” Pablo Motorcycles (The anthill) with the ‘progress’ David Broncano (The revolt), which connects with the public and the ideas of modernity typical of a 21st century Spain.

Every tenth of an audience you gain The revolt is vilified by her forces on social networks, while she loses a tenth The anthill It is considered a success in the fight against the mud and the media cavern. Conceptions, all of them, that forget the most fundamental thing: they are two television productswith different audiences. Because that’s exactly what it’s about: the public and television. No more, no less.

It is undeniable that the arrival of The revolt TVE was a shock to its prime time access. Out of nowhere, it has gone to quotas, depending on the day, between 16 and 18%, being at the top of the range on some nights before The Anthill.

But the Broncano effect was not what the former director of content at RTVE expected. Jose Pablo Lopezwhen he triggered an internal cataclysm within the Society to sign the presenter.

On paper, The revolt It would be necessary to leave a ceiling high enough to guarantee good data during prime time. However, this is not the case. To continue with the example, last Thursday Broncano achieved 15.6% of sharewhile his successor, 59 secondsit remained at 6.6%.

But if you analyze the first 16 days of the month, you will see that the Broncano effect is not felt either. 1 has a screen share of 10%, compared to 10.8% a year earlier.

TVE does not retain

Therefore, even if it is true that The revolt sent TVE back to compete in the access prime timeis not enough to restore competitiveness to the rest of the night group. Nor to the overall count of the grid.

So we can say that Broncano partially achieves its goal. It attracts an audience, many of them new at that time, but TVE cannot retain it once the program is over.

An effect that does not occur in the case of Pablo Motos. The presenter of The anthill It is also about 18 to 19% of share. His best start to the season, thanks to the public who joined the access prime time.

Antena 3’s quota has increased six tenths in the first 16 days September, up 14.4% compared to last year. A figure that places the channel at the top of the audience, compared to 10% for La 1 and 9% for Telecinco. Precisely, the main competitor of Antena 3.

Leonor Lavado and Carlos Latre in “Babylon Show”.

Why is he your main rival? Because with TVE, Motos – and therefore Antena 3 – the “honor”, the “throne” is at stake, but With Telecinco, the most important thing is disputed: money, advertising, profitability. And there, the winner is obvious.

On the sidelines of access to prime time, Telecinco failed to hit the table. This is where the failure of Babylon Show with Carlos Latre. It was taken off the air three weeks after its premiere and after reaching 3.3% audience share. Second program to be canceled, after the attempt made last year with Chinese stories And Jorge Javier Vazquez.

The Fuencarral channel has left around 40% of its audience in this segment compared to last year. A hard blow that leaves it out of the game in the advertising field and that, in addition, also represents a concern for the station.

Since TVE does not broadcast advertising, Advertisers must choose between Antena 3 and Telecinco. With one major difference, the audience distance means that the GRPs (impacts) committed to advertisers are realized in a very different way in one station than in another.

Optimize advertising

With 18.9% audience share of Pablo Motos, it is much easier to achieve the objectives. Allows Optimize advertising units and achieve the required impacts. However, Telecinco now needs a more in-depth review of each advertisement to meet its commitments. Something that can cause a feeling of advertising saturation in the viewer.

A trade war from which TVE benefits, since The revolt It starts at 9:40 p.m., when Antena 3 is advertising, which allows it to build up a margin of audience until Motos starts to fight around 10:00 p.m. and begins to regain ground.

The battle for the audience is fierce, but what seems clear is that Motorcycles have – for the moment – no rival in terms of profitability. And that, for him businessThis is the most important thing.




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