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Five CCAA on alert this Sunday due to intense storms accompanied by thermal collapse

Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, the Foral Community of Navarre and the Basque Country will be the Autonomous Communities that will suffer the arrival of rain and storms this Sunday. Aemet has warned that in Aragon and the Balearic Islands the alert will be orange and in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Navarre the alert will be yellow.

In general, the instability of this Sunday will persist in a good part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, but with less intensity than in previous days, with rainfall in several areas of the northern peninsula and drop in temperaturesaccording to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

There will be showers, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms, in the north-eastern third, the eastern Cantabrian Islands and the northern Balearic Islands, which can be locally strong and/or persistent in the eastern end of the Cantabrian Sea, in the western Pyrenees, in the northeastern points of Catalonia and the northern Balearic Islands, where greater storm activity is expected.

In addition, rains are expected in the Iberian system and in the Balearic Islands, and in a less intense way, the occasional showers in GaliciaCentral system, southern plateau, east of the north, rest of the northeast of the peninsula and in the tips of Andalusia.

In the Canaries, cloudy periods are expected, with the possibility of some light and occasional showers in the north of the western islands, while in the rest of the islands it will be slightly cloudy, with little change in temperature and trade winds.

THE minimum temperatures will drop as well as the maxima, largely the latter in the eastern Cantabrian environment and north of the Balearic Islands, but they will increase in some areas of Andalusia and the east of the peninsula, and will register little change in the rest of the territory. territory.

The southeast winds will blow in the Ampurdán and the west winds will predominate in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands; weak in general in the interiors and moderate on the coasts.

Prediction by autonomous communities
GALICIA: Cloudy, passing at intervals, with evolving cloudiness and mists and fog banks inland, not excluding the coast. Light and scattered rain and showers likely, which will tend to ease. Temperatures slightly decreasing. Light west wind on the north coast and northwest on the rest.

ASTURIAS: cloudy with a tendency to cloudy periods and evolving cloudiness, with mists and probable fog banks. Probable light rain and isolated showers, with a tendency to ease. Minimum temperatures decreasing; maximum temperatures unchanged or slightly decreasing. Light to moderate wind and variable brightness.

CANTABRIA: cloudy tending to cloudy passages, with evolving cloudiness and mists and probable fog banks in the Cordillera. Intense rain and showers, locally heavy and accompanied by thunderstorms. Falling temperatures. Light to moderate wind and variable brightness.

THE BASQUE COUNTRY: cloudy, with fog and probable morning fog banks, without excluding occasional rains and showers, more abundant and intense on the coast and west of Gipuzkoa. Falling temperatures. Westerly wind on the coast and light variable wind tending towards a northerly component inland.

CASTILE AND LEON: in the northern and eastern third, cloudy, with risk of showers, with some thunderstorms. For the rest, cloudy passages, with some light and scattered precipitation. Mists and fog banks likely. Decreasing minimum temperatures and unchanged maximum temperatures. Winds from southwest to west, weak.

NAVARRE: cloudy or overcast, with rain and showers sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms, which can be locally strong and persistent. Minimum temperatures decreasing; maximums decreasing in the far north and with little change in the rest. Light variable wind with a predominance of the northerly component.

RIOJA: cloudy, with a chance of light showers that may be locally moderate, with morning mist and fog patches. Minimum temperatures falling and maximum temperatures unchanged or slightly falling. Winds northwesterly or variable, generally light.

Aragon: in the northern half, cloudy or overcast, tending to cloudy passages; in the southern half, cloudy passages. Showers in the northern third, where they could be locally heavy or persistent. Minimum temperatures on the descent and maximum temperatures on the ascent. Light variable wind, tending towards a westerly component.

CATALONIA: cloudy or overcast, decreasing in cloudy intervals. Showers that may be locally heavy and thundery, mainly on the coast and the pre-coast. Minimum temperatures unchanged; peaks are generally rising, except on the north coast where there will be little change. Light to moderate wind and variable light.

EXTREMADURA: partly cloudy, with intervals of evolving clouds, not excluding some scattered showers, not excluding morning fog banks. Decreasing minimum temperatures and unchanged maximum temperatures. Westerly winds, generally light.

MADRID COMMUNITY: cloudy passages that will be diurnal, with predominance of clearings, without excluding scattered rains and showers, more likely in the Sierra and in the southeast. Decreasing minimum temperatures and unchanged maximum temperatures. Light wind from the west.

CASTILE-LA MANCHA: cloudy periods, with morning and night fog and fog patches likely. Light rain likely or scattered showers, more intense in the northeast where they may be persistent. Minimum temperatures falling and maximum temperatures with little change. Light wind from the west.

VALENCIAN COMMUNITY: cloudy periods and daytime cloudiness. In Castellón, occasional showers are likely and in the northeast of Alicante, low probability of isolated showers. Minimum temperatures unchanged or slightly decreasing and maximum temperatures generally increasing. Moderate and light variable wind with breezes on the coast.

REGION OF MURCIA: cloudy, becoming slightly cloudy, with morning mist, without excluding the possibility of fog. Minimum temperatures decreasing; maximums increasing. Winds light and variable, with moderate intervals from the southwest on the coast.

BALEARIC ISLANDS: cloudy tending to slightly cloudy, with daytime clouds, showers and locally strong thunderstorms which in the early morning in Menorca can be locally very strong. Morning mists. Temperatures with little change or falling. Light wind of variable direction, with coastal breezes.

ANDALUSIA: cloudy on the Atlantic side, without excluding light and occasional rain, with openings of clearings. On the Mediterranean side, slightly cloudy skies predominate. Morning mists on the Atlantic side. Decrease in minimum temperatures; maximums unchanged. Moderate and light to moderate winds.

CANARY ISLANDS: cloudy passages in the north of the mountainous islands and Lanzarote, with a predominance of slightly cloudy skies; for the rest, slightly cloudy at intervals. Light calima in the easternmost islands. Temperatures little change or slightly rising. Light wind from the northeast increasing to moderate.




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